
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou Panui

Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete!

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Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office would like to take the time to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Thanks to all that have tautoko, volunteered, worked and joined in the many events that happened throughout 2018, may you all get the peaceful down time that’s deserved!!

Christmas is one of the few times per year where we can all get together at once in the same place so turn off those ipads, mute those cell phones - forget about the selfie sticks and cherish those moments with whanau and friends!!

Merry Christmas from Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office and friends!

Merry Christmas from Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office and friends!

Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office Christmas hours

Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office will be closed from 12pm Friday 21st Dec 2018 and re-opening 9am Monday 7th Jan 2019. Any urgent enquiries please direct them to

Michelle Taiaroa McDonald 027 281 5679.

Normal trading hours Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm

Kanakana the leopard seal welcomed in to the

Otago Museum whanau.

On Monday 17th December, members of the rūnanga met with Otago Museum staff including Rachel Wesley to welcome Kana home. Tumai Cassidy lead the procession with karakia followed by waiata and kai. Rachel also took the opportunity to take hapu members down to the basement to view the Taiaroa Kākahu.

The kākahu was gifted to Mr Abernethy by the Taiaroa whānau for recovering the body of Teone Taiaroa after his drowning on New Year’s Eve 1907.  The kākahu features a stunning cotton tāniko border, and the feathers are peacock, pheasant, chicken, and pukeko.  The main body is very fine whatu.

Link to the Otago Witness reporting of the inquest into Teone’s drowning:

Link to the article from ODT for the welcoming of Kana the leopard seal:


What a Christmas party! 

If you were not one of the 60 odd that came to our Christmas party for the Tamariki then what a day you missed!

Hakuiao was dressed in her Christmas finery with a gorgeous tree that the tamariki wrote special messages on baubles that were then hung in the tree.  The smell of hot popcorn coming from the popcorn machine and the giggles and shrieks coming from the photo booth started our day off with great excitement.  But wait there was more! – the adventure playground was opened with a ribbons being cut by our Tumai Cassidy and Lucas Taiaroa.  Tumai also ensured that much fun would be had on the playground with a strong karakia before the ribbons were cut and the tamariki set loose to explore.  Soon after the sound of sweet music could be heard coming up the road who all the tamariki recognised as the ice cream truck arriving which saw witness to young and old piling out of the bouncy castle in a race to get to the start of the line.

We then enjoyed a fabulous lunch that everyone brought their own special dish to and is was not long after that a bell could be heard followed by a loud “ho ho ho” and through the door burst Hana Kōkō with so many gifts he needed a line of helpers  behind him.

Finally the time come to compete for the highly sought after Te Wera Cup.  A tradition that is fought each year between our cousins from Puketeraki and ourselves.  Unfortunately the Puketeraki cousins were well outnumbered but given Poua Ewan Duff put his body on the line during a hard fought sack race it was agreed by the officials that it was Puketeraki that put the most effort into the hard fought competition and therefore crowned the champions.  Congratulations Puketeraki!

It was also the perfect day to welcome home the pieces of Pounamu that were stolen back in March 2018.


Message from our Kaitoko

There is now a Kaitoko Mātauraka ki te Rūnaka o Ōtākou facebook page

The page has been created to enable instant access to updates from education providers, events, information and support for our Kāi Tahu whānau.

It is also an easy way for you to ask the Kaitoko for help or general enquiries that you may have.

Please like the page and share with all of your whānau!

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngahere

Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauraka nōnā te ao

The bird that consumes the miro berry owns the forest

The bird that consumes knowledge owns the world

Amie Curtis

Kaitoko I Te Rūnanga ō Ōtākou Inc I 45 Tamatea Rd I Otakou RD2 I Otago Peninsula 9077

Tel: 03 478 0352 I Email:  

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Te Pānui Rūnaka


Did you know, if you have any information you would like shared in the monthly TPR ( Te Panui Runaka) you can do so via Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office on



Did you know we have our own FACEBOOK page? Make sure you like us and follow the many panui, conversations and events.

Hapu Registrations

Have you registered yourself and your whanau on Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou hapu database? Simply follow the link below and send your application/s to Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou

Ōtākou Rūnanga Hoodies

Don’t forget about our Rūnanga Hoodies available in any colour as long as it’s black!

If you would like to kit the whanau out contact the office;, 03 478 0352.


Komiti Coordinator Role

Komiti Coordinator (1.00 FTE) 

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Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou will have a role available in February 2019 for an administrator who will be responsible for the coordination of all our internal hui within the hapū.

Ōtākou have a number of komiti that feed recommendations into the main monthly hapū hui known as the Rūnaka General. 

If you have exceptional administrative, organisational and communication skills and want to work in the most beautiful part of the world nestled within a glen overlooking the entrance to the Otago harbour then please send your c.v. and covering letter to Michelle Taiaroa-McDonald at

Applications close 18th January 2019


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It is that time of year again, where our work loads quadruple! so much so, because we want to get all our long awaiting to do lists and hui achieved before the end of the year. In fact for many this happened well into the month of October if not September! Or if you are one of those super humans, where you go 100 miles per hour all day every day, it never stopped from last year. For the Otakou office it has proven to be a bit of a struggle to juggle all activities so apologies for missing a few panui of late. I’d like to say this one will make up for it but alas it won’t, but it will be full of some very important up and coming Runanga events, so we require your full attention for the next few moments to read through the following panui…

Naia te reo o Tarewai

23rd - 25th NOV 2018

Otakou Marae


23rd-25th Nov 2018 at Otakou Marae

An opportunity for all whanau who whakapapa to Otakou hapu to come together and increase knowledge and confidence in te reo Māori. All te reo abilities welcome.

Naia te toa o Tarewai is a marae-based series of wānaka (learning opportunities) that aims to restore whānau knowledge and use of te reo, to once again be a living language among our tamariki and mokopuna!

This weekend will include a Reo planning wananga, waiata, hikoi and history telling to list a few of the activities. And lets not forget some yummy kai provided by our very clever Ringawera!

To register follow the links below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on or 03 478 0352.

Registration essential.

Tamariki Christmas Party

Otakou Marae 2nd Dec 2018

10am -3pm


Last year Puketeraki hosted a fantastic Tamariki Christmas Party,

This year it’s out turn to bring on the goods!!

If you would like to come along please register your child/children and be sure to include Names, Ages (please also list all whanau members coming along too) All whanau are welcome to come along however big kids (adults) will not be getting a present from Hana koko! No matter how good you’ve been!

We look forward to seeing you all then!


4th -7th FEB 2019



Kia ora Otakou Runanga Hapu members,

Te Runanga o Otakou are currently organising the above hikoi to Queenstown in time for

Tiriti o Waitangi 2019.

This hikoi is still in the planning stages.

If you are interested in joining the Runanga on the hikoi, please express your interest to the office or via Facebook.

More information to follow as it becomes available.

Any patai please contact the office;
03 4780352


16TH FEB 2019

Otakou Marae


Hapu members please register your interest in coming to this wananga. This is a catered event so we require RSVP please.

Since there has been a hive of activity and plenty of photos and things to share, the next epanui will do everything in its power to impress!

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Kia ora koutou

Spring is in the air, and so is the sound of progress!

Can he build it? Yes he can! Jon our builder wastes no time in creating our new playground! Big reveal to follow!

The first Cruise ship creeps past as Jon examines his posts!

The first Cruise ship creeps past as Jon examines his posts!


Two very quick weeks ago, we welcomed our new Kaitoko, Amie Curtis to the team. Amie’s first day was a taste of whats to come, after morning tea to welcome her to the office it was straight down to Tamatea to welcome on the National Maori Achievements Collaborative Wananga followed by laying 100 mattresses and linen while manuhiri were off on their hikoi. Day two was the ringing of the bell to welcome the first breeding Toroa back from her own hikoi. By the end of her first week, Amie has already attended her first work function with dinner and a most awesome show from the Maori Side Steps!

Team/Whanau from Otakou University Childcare association, Te Parekereke o te ki enjoy one last morning tea with Amie at her whakatau with her new team from Otakou Runanga Office.

Team/Whanau from Otakou University Childcare association, Te Parekereke o te ki enjoy one last morning tea with Amie at her whakatau with her new team from Otakou Runanga Office.

Whats been happening at Otakou Marae

It’s been a busy month of September for Otakou and it is not about to slow down yet!

From the get go Otakou marae hosted, Otago Polytechnic Midwifery Tiriti o Waitangi Workshop sponsored by Moana Wesley, closely followed by the Open Polytechnic, Early Childhood Teacher Education Hui Sponsored by Doug Ditfort and our own Hapu Wananga, both sharing the talented culinary skills of our ringawera Julz Asher on the same weekend.

Whanau gathered together to receive the ashes of Aroha Kellenbach and bury her with her Mother Mori Pickering (nee Ellison). It was the most beautiful day similar to the day we buried dear Aunty Mori surrounded by birdsong. Aroha’s four children and their whanau traveled with her from Melbourne and were met by extended whanau here at Otakou to tautoko the ceremony. Moe mai okioki mai e whanauka.

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An invitation from The Chinese community to join them in their celebrations of the 10 year anniversary at Lan Yuan (Lan Garden) was mirrored to acknowledge the relationship with a mana to mana powhiri at Otakou the following day. Both occasions were witnessed by the city represented by Deputy Mayor Chris Staynes and were a wonderful mix of both cultures. Otakou’s Rakatahi sung loud and proud while our Chinese guests dined on delicious kaimoana.

DCC Waiata group sung a beautiful waiata for the Chinese Community before gifting the song to Dr James Ng and Peter Chin. Photos of our kaumatua enjoying the festivities. Dancing Dragons by children of the Chinese community.

DCC Waiata group sung a beautiful waiata for the Chinese Community before gifting the song to Dr James Ng and Peter Chin. Photos of our kaumatua enjoying the festivities. Dancing Dragons by children of the Chinese community.

Runanga members savouring the good vibes and yummy kai of the evening.

Runanga members savouring the good vibes and yummy kai of the evening.

Kaikaranga Moana Wesley. Time for korero and photos after powhiri

Kaikaranga Moana Wesley. Time for korero and photos after powhiri

Dinner and a show, Rakatahi sing to our guests during kai time.

Dinner and a show, Rakatahi sing to our guests during kai time.

Kai time!

Kai time!

Otakou Marae also hosted the National Maori Achievements Collaborative Wananga, caring for the needs of 100 principles and teachers. A hikoi to acknowledge the Parihaka prisoners presented by Edward Ellison and a visit to Puketeraki, Karitane kept the principles well and truly on their toes with their very busy agenda. Each morning was welcomed by a fresh cup of coffee provided by local barista Phil Lyons aka (The coffee pirate).

National Maori Achievement Collaborative Wananga; Parihaumia keeping warm while they wait for the arrival of Manuhiri.

National Maori Achievement Collaborative Wananga; Parihaumia keeping warm while they wait for the arrival of Manuhiri.

Parihaumia perform while manuhiri enjoy their lunch.

Parihaumia perform while manuhiri enjoy their lunch.



How could we forget to mention the awesome visitor we had early September! Our new favourite dog, Paikea! The office received a call to ask whether it would be appropriate to bring Paikea out for a photo shoot, how could the office refuse with a name like PAIKEA! So it was a rewarding couple of hours helping behind the scenes with this super model! Just a young pup of 2 years did very well to pretend he was interested in the camera, it was all in the skills of Paikea’s human, Regan (and Michelle Taiaroa McDonald holding Paikea’s toy above the cameraman’s Mike’s head!)

We wish Dog Handler, Regan Mauheni and Police photographer, Mike and Paikea all the best for the selection for the New Zealand 2019 Police dog calendar! We think it’s an easy win!!

Since this photo shoot we are delighted to share Paikea was selected for the calendar.

I will not take another photo until I find my toy!!

I will not take another photo until I find my toy!!

Stealing the show!

Stealing the show!

All in a days work for this crime fighter!

All in a days work for this crime fighter!

Wrapping the month of September; Wananga Reo for Kotahi Mano Kaika sponsored by Paulette Tamati-Elliffe. Another busy visit for them including a sausage sizzle at Sinclair Wetlands.

For the last week of September will involve powhiri to welcome new Police staff and their whanau to the Otago Coastal area, a visit from Macandrew Bay School and Te Rauone Development Drop in evening with the DCC for the community. Unfortunately due to reasons out of Te Runanga o Otakou control the performance of Hine Kihawai was cancelled, we hope we will be lucky enough to have Taki Rua Productions come visit us another time.

Maraka Maraka taiaroa whanui

Teone Wiwi Taiaroa Trust

General Meeting

3rd November 2018

9:30 am

Otakou Marae in Hakuiao

Enquiries to Hauangi Kiwha 027 2576831

Akapatiki “A” Block


3rd November 2018

11.00 am

Otakou Marae in the Boardroom

Enquiries to Michelle Taiaroa-McDonald 027 2815679

Te Mairaki Ellison Taiaroa Whanau Trust

General Meeting

3rd November 2018

2.00 pm

Otakou Marae in Tamatea

Enquiries to Michelle Taiaroa-McDonald 027 2815679



or click on link


Congratulations to Tristan Taiaroa whom has been selected in the Otago Representative 11th grade football team. Way to go Tristan!

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We are looking for Diwali volunteers!




Venues - Otago Museum (morning), Dunedin Public Art Gallery

and The Octagon Carriageway (if wet, Community Gallery)


Prior to DIWALI: making decorations

Community Gallery Octagon


Rangoli Artists: 8am – 1pm Art Gallery foyer

Mehendi Artists: 11am -12pm Otago Museum

& 2-4pm Octagon

Bindhi Artists: 2-4pm Art Gallery foyer

Turban Wrapping Facilitators: 2-4pm Art Gallery foyer

Sari Draping Facilitators: 2-4pm Art Gallery foyer

Childrens Workshop facilitators for making collage lamps, chalk & powder Rangoli: 2pm Art Gallery Playspace


1.Expression of Interest from artists for Dance, song and music with Indian flavour/essence: Octagon 4-5pm

2.Bollywood dance workshop instructors: 12-1pm Otago Museum

FOOD STALLS at Octagon: plated or wrapped Indian cuisine (priced between $1 -$5)


Suzanne Caulton

Lynda Cullen

Swaroopa Unni

Rekha Shailaj

Open Invitation to the

Māori Research Symposium:

Mauri Ora | Human Flourishing

Otago Polytechnic, Forth Street Dunedin

9 November 2018

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We wish to invite you to our Māori Research Symposium, Mauri Ora | Human Flourishing, which will showcase Māori research undertaken at Otago Polytechnic. The Symposium aims to nurture research conducted by Māori staff and students; that is, research undertaken by Māori, for Māori, or with Māori. It will celebrate the depth and breadth of Māori research conducted at Otago Polytechnic and provide opportunities to share Māori research fields and expertise. This Symposium will showcase Māori led or collaborative Māori research focused on a wide range of issues concerned with human and environmental wellbeing, with the goal of connecting with our wider community, rūnaka and iwi.

Timetable for Mauri Ora | Human Flourishing Symposium

8.30am Mihi Whakatau

9.00am Registration

9.15am Morning tea

9.45am Keynote Speaker 1, Professor David Tipene Leach

10.30am Presentations – 20 min oral presentations

12.00pm Lunch break – Hāngī (koha)

1.00pm 20/20 presentation

1.15pm Guest speaker Maata Wharehoka presents Tātarakihi – The Children of

Parihaka Film

3.00pm Keynote Speaker 2, Professor Jacinta Ruru

3.45pm Karakia whakamutuka

Nibbles and drinks

If you have any questions, please contact either Kelli Te Maihāroa, Tumuaki: Rakahau Māori (Director: Māori Research) on or Tessa Thomson, Executive Assistant on There is no registration fee to attend this Symposium, but for catering purposes we do require participants to register via the following link:

Maori Land Law Graduate Position

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The Ngāi Tahu Māori Law Centre has an exciting opportunity available for a graduate lawyer to work in our office based in Dunedin, commencing in early 2019. Our organisation is a whanau-based environment.


The Ngāi Tahu Māori Law Centre is based in Dunedin. It is a publicly-funded Community Law Centre.  We are a small team. Our speciality is Māori Land Law, and representing clients in the Māori Land Court, but we provide a range of other Kaupapa Māori services.


A passion to work with iwi/hapū/whānau is a key component for this position.


Your credentials will include:

•     a good law degree (or one nearing completion)

•     ability to work well with Māori clients

•              high motivation and ability to self manage

•              good communication and writing skills

•              excellent attention to detail

•              analytical skills

•              initiative

•              honesty

•              fine organisational skills

•              ability to multi-task

•              team player

•              sense of humour

Applications Close Thursday 4 October 2018


Please forward your application letter, CV, and academic transcript to

Joy Smith, at; 03 477 0855.


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September and October are gearing up to be very busy months for Otakou but the runanga and the office are well prepared and ready to welcome our manuhiri with arms spread wide. Be sure to check out the events page and if you are interested in coming along to any events, pop in, call or email the office, we're here happy to chat, pop on the jug and let know the haps! 

Otakou Runanga Hoodies!!! 


Don't forget if you are wanting one of our exclusive Te Runanga o Otakou hoodies, all sizes $50 each. You must register as Hapu member first. This is a great initiative to get you and your whanau registered with Otakou. For further enquiries, please contact the office.


Whats been happening at Otakou Marae

Portobello School had their first Year 7 and 8 Bake day at Otakou marae, with the kind support from our lovely but camera shy kaumatua. Together they made some scrummy treats to share. Once all packed up, the Year 7 & 8 students accompanied by our friendly community policeman, Aaron Smith, delivered the food parcels to our local kaumatua.  The day was a great success and one we hope Portobello will make a regular event. Well done to the students of Portobello!

Portobello Year 7 and 8 bake day, let the fun begin

Portobello Year 7 and 8 bake day, let the fun begin

Constable Aaron Smith taste tests the chocolate icing and adds the final touches to the camramel slice.

Constable Aaron Smith taste tests the chocolate icing and adds the final touches to the camramel slice.

Time to pack up the Baking

Time to pack up the Baking

The students entertain themselves while they wait for their baking to set before they head off with their food parcels. 

The students entertain themselves while they wait for their baking to set before they head off with their food parcels. 



or click on link


Iwi-driven social services hub to gain award


An iwi-driven affordable health and social services hub supported by the University of Otago has secured a major Maori health award as it prepares to spread its services to other parts of the city.

Te Kaika, which opened in Caversham in March, will receive the Dame Tariana Turia Award at the Toitu Hauora Leadership Summit in Dunedin next month.

The award, presented by Te Rau Matatini, recognises significant contributions to Whanau Ora and whanau-centred practice. Founding director Donna Matahaere-Atariki will receive the award at summit.

"I am humbled and thrilled because it is specifically a Whanau Ora approach that will continue to drive the ethos or kaupapa of Te Kaika, " she said. "But more than this, it brings into view the many individuals who contributed to the vision."

Te Kaika aims to bring key wellbeing and health agencies together on one site to provide an integrated model of social service support and primary health care.

Among the services included are a primary health-care service (Te Mataora), which provides GP and dental services. There are also clinical and teaching facilities for a variety of University of Otago students.

Ms Matahaere-Atariki said being recognised by Te Rau Matatini was important because of the networks it might provide.

Te Patahitanga o Te Waipounamu (the South Island Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency) provided funding for start-up and infrastructural costs for Te Kaika, while Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu also "strongly" supported the project.

There were nearly 6000 patients already enrolled with Te Kaika and its general practice clinics based on site (Mataora) and in Forbury.

The organisation was also fitting out a church hall in Brockville, with plans for it to open by the end of September, and was looking to buy two other existing clinics by the end of the year, Ms Matahaere-Atariki said.

Te Kaika is a partnership between Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora, Otakou Runanga and the University of Otago.

The Toitu Leadership Summit, jointly hosted by Te Rau Matatini and the Henry Rongomau Bennett Foundation, aims to grow Maori leadership in health by providing an environment for existing and emerging Maori health leaders to work together.

The summit is taking place in the South Island for the first time, and will be held in Dunedin from September 3-4.

Te Putahitanga Te Waipounamu

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Some weeks are harder than most. Yet in the pathway of pain there was also the shimmer of hope that shines through.

Mana-Wā: a symposium to celebrate and honour the mana of all our rangatahi. It was a big week – a national justice sector summit attended by over 800. The Minister for Whānau Ora visiting Te Tauihu.  We celebrate the regional presence of Te Waipounamu Māori Women’s Welfare League Regional Council that was held on the 24-26 August.



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The Maori Sidesteps is the newest and hottest Maori show band on the entertainment scene in Aotearoa.

Formed in 2016 The Maori Sidesteps relives the glory days of the Howard Morrison Quartet, John Rowles and Prince Tui Teka with contemporary skill and wit. Fresh from sell-out seasons in Wellington, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson and Tauranga The Maori Sidesteps will deliver a fresh take on some of those old familiar party tunes. 

Starring a cast of multi award winning New Zealand entertainers, Jamie McCaskill, Regan Taylor, Erroll Anderson, Jerome Leota and Cohen Holloway, an evening with The Maori Sidesteps guarantees a hugely entertaining performance of humour-filled songs and hilarious banter.

Shot Bro is the product of Rob Mokaraka’s seven-year journey of healing and self-discovery.

Shot Bro is a powerful, raw, authentic one-man show that exposes, shares and discusses the effects of depression. 

Using comedy, heart and truth, New Zealand actor Rob Mokaraka skilfully takes the audience through his experiences with depression. At the core of Shot Bro is Rob’s personal journey, one he hopes will help others and acknowledge the stigma attached to mental illness.

Rob last appeared at the Festival during the 2008 season, with the hugely popular “Strange Resting Places”. Shot Bro is a very different show, full of Rob’s energy, passion and extraordinary talent. The performance is followed by a forum and light refreshments.

Chinese Garden 10 year Anniversary 

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Dunedin Chinese Garden 10-year Anniversary Scholars’ Celebration

The Dunedin Chinese Garden, in conjunction with the Dunedin Chinese Gardens Trust and the University of Otago Office of the Confucius Institute in Auckland, proudly presents the visiting scholars series in recognition of the Garden’s 10th birthday.

Bookings are essential for all events. All events are held in the Tower Room.

For bookings please contact the Dunedin Chinese Garden ph 03 477 3248 or email

Normal admission charges apply. Children under 13 FREE (maximum three per adult).

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Ngai Tahu Tourism Employment Opportunity 

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Kia ora koutou,
Tuatahi ka tangihia rātou ngā mōtoi kahurangi kua riro atu rā i ngā rangi tata nei.
Koutou kua karangahia e Tahu Kumea, e Tahu Whakairo ki te tara o Poutereraki, e tangi tou ana.  Koutou ngā mōtoi auhuka  o te motu, haere, haere atu rā.  Waiho atu mātou kia tangi, kia hopo i tō koutou ngaronga atu.  Heoi ano rātou ki a rātou.
Ka tahuri ki a tātou te kanohi ora, ki a koutou ngā aroaro maunga o te motu, koutou e toutou ana i ngā ahi kā o ngā marae tēnā koutou.


In 2016 Ngāi Tahu Tourism purchased half of Earth & Sky. Based in Takapō, Earth & Sky is a tourist attraction that offers visitors a ‘star gazing’ experience at the University of Canterbury’s Mt John Observatory, which is at the top of Ōtehīwai (Mount John). The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment awarded funding to help Earth & Sky build a new “international astronomy centre” on the shores of Lake Takapō. This new attraction is going to open next year, and as well as being a base for the existing tours, it will also be home to a new daytime experience and a fully serviced cafe and bar. This means we will need up to 30 new people to join the existing team as guides, chefs, kitchen hands, front of house staff, and customer service representatives. We are excited about the jobs this new attraction is going to create and we want to do everything we can to get Ngāi Tahu into these new roles.


What we know is that on top of our current staff numbers we could be looking at up to 30 new roles for Earth and Sky in a wide range of roles.  We want to attract Ngāi Tahu into these roles and will be running a series of ‘information nights’ mid-September to let whānau know about these opportunities, and help get whānau ready for recruitment so that they are better placed to apply and be successful.


We cannot guarantee that whānau will be selected if they apply because like all Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu vacancies,  we are required to run a contestable process. However, we want to make sure that whānau are informed early, and wherever possible supported to have the best chance of success. We encourage you to share this information with your whānau and hapū members to spread the word.


Kaihautū of Ngāi Tahu Tourism, Quinton Hall is sending letters to all Ngāi Tahu whānau living in the Takapō area (including North Otago and South Canterbury) inviting them to take part in the information nights.  Emails will be sent to every registered iwi member with a valid email address over the next two weeks informing them of these events. The information nights will be happening throughout Sept- November in Timaru, Ōamaru, Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin and Hokitika. See below for dates, venues and times.


If there are any questions or interest in attending, please get whānau to contact patsy.perenara-o’ or call 0800 KAI TAHU.


Christchurch Te Whare o Te Waipounamu

Wednesday 19 September, 6-8pm


Ōamaru Opera House Thursday 20 September, 6-8pm


Timaru Landing Services Conference Centre

Friday 21 September, 6-8pm


Dunedin Otago University Staff Club

Monday 24 September, 6-8pm


Queenstown TBC Tuesday 25 September, 6-8pm


Hokitika TBC Friday 9 November, 6-8pm

Aoraki Bound 2019

Calling for Papatipu Rūnaka applicants!

E kā Papatipu Rūnaka, tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko te hau o mihi e pupuhi ana ki a koutou e tiaki ana i kā ahi kā, kia mura. Nāia te karaka ki kā hau e whā o Te Wai Pounamu nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai ki Aoraki Bound 2019.

This is a pānui to let our Papatipu Rūnaka know that we are calling for those interested in Aoraki Bound 2019! As staff or whānau of Papatipu Rūnaka we want to give you priority placement on this amazing haereka.

Aoraki Bound is a 20-day cultural and personal journey, developed and delivered by Outward Bound and Ngāi Tahu. To learn more about the programme or watch our 30 min Aoraki Bound documentary please visit our website here. There are two courses in 2019 to choose from, either 2nd - 21st Kahuru/February or 2nd - 21st Kahuru-kai-paeka/March.

If you are a Papatipu Rūnaka staff member who is interested in attending as part of your professional development, 

We are also asking Papatipu Rūnaka to consider whānau members who you would like to nominate to attend an Aoraki Bound course in 2019. You may want to take the attached pānui named ‘For Papatipu Rūnanga whānau nominations’ along to your rūnaka meeting to give some context to the kaupapa and sponsorship available. All instructions on next steps from here is also on this pānui.

We look forward to receiving all applications from our ahi kā before October 1st. Any questions please feel free to contact us at

Noho ora mai i roto i kā manaakitaka.

Nā māua noa,

Nā Donelle & Alice  

Donelle Manihera

Project Lead – Iwi Capability | Tokona te takata

Cell: 027 670 7243


Alice Dimond

Coordinator | Kairuruku Pūkenga

Iwi Capability | Tokona te Takata

waea 03 371 0189

waea pūkoro 027 637 7954

1 Comment



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Nāia te toa o Tarewai, kai a ia anō tāna patu,

kai a ia anō tōna REO! 

Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou are calling for expressions of interest from our members interested in joining our Ōtākou te reo Māori focus group.  This group will consider how we might develop an Ōtākou hapū Māori language strategy,  a strategy that looks at strengthening te reo Māori me ōna tikaka for our Ōtākou whānau over the next two generations and beyond!

Rakatahi mā, mātua mā, poua mā, taua mā:  if you are keen to join our group of passionate te reo advisors and enthusiasts, nau mai, tauti mai!

Please either write a short paragraph about yourself, or send a short video that includes:

- Your interests and skills

- Your aspirations for te reo. 

Either send to the office at or to our Naia te toa o Tarewai facebook page by 31st Sept 2018,

We look forward to hearing from you!


If you haven't already heard, there has been a Toro (Maori Spear) discovered on Wednesday at Taieri Mouth by local resident, Trevor Griffin. 

See Otago Daily Times article below:

Almost 200 year old Spear found by fisherman

A significant piece of Maori history in Otago may have been sitting in plain sight for years.On Wednesday, Taieri Mouth resident Trevor Griffin found a seven-foot long toro (Maori spear) while whitebaiting on the Taieri River near The Chimneys."I was enjoying my day whitebaiting then saw something unusual shaped, it was man made I thought, the taiaha my son makes had that same shape on it." "As soon you touched it then you realised it was something special."After realising the significance of his find he contacted the Otago Museum who told him to bring the toro in as soon as possible.

Mr Griffin said he has been whitebaiting at the same spot for at least 40 years but it was two years since his last visit."Who knows how long it's been there for, there were footprints right beside it, so somebody just walked straight past it." Museum curator Maori, Rachel Wesley, said the toro was an exciting discovery and a significant piece of local Maori history."I would rank this as pretty significant, we've a really amazing collection here at Otago Museum but we don't have anything so securely provenienced to Otago."The object could be up to 200 years old and was likely carved from manuka. The toro would now be taken to the Otakou Marae where there was an organic treatment facility. It has been photographed and examined by museum staff which had then be given to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage. It was found in an area where local tradition has it that a chief was killed mid-flight, jumping off a cliff known as Maori Leap to escape his pursuers. Though it was difficult to prove any connection between the toro and the tradition.

For video clip follow link below:

Taieri Local resident, Trevor Griffin and Otakou Kaumatua, Paul Karaitiana enjoy the spoils of Trevor's discovery.

Taieri Local resident, Trevor Griffin and Otakou Kaumatua, Paul Karaitiana enjoy the spoils of Trevor's discovery.

Rachel Wesley taking measurements with Natalie Karaitiana. 

Rachel Wesley taking measurements with Natalie Karaitiana. 

The 7 foot long Toro, in safe hands. 

The 7 foot long Toro, in safe hands. 

In addition to the article we have photos from Friday Night as the Toro is brought to Otakou to be persevered along side the Waka discovered at Papanui Inlet. Rachel Wesley, Curator Maori Otago Museum and Hapu member carries and safely submurges the Toro as Moana Wesley (mother to Rachel) joined by Ewen Duff and Marita Hicks watch on.


Whats been happening at Otakou Marae

Last week saw the completion of a long campaign for Ngai Tahu Programme leader Sarah Wilson and Senior environmental adviser, Kirsty Huxford for the Kaitiakitanga Wananga. What a busy three days it was for Ngai Tahu members that attended. The wananga was in full flight from Powhiri to Presentations, Field trips to Workshops and korero with Ta Tipene O'Regan, Edward Ellison and Paulette Tamati-Elliffe as guests speakers at the wananga. Ringawera Julz Asher worked her magic in the wharekai delivering  some awesome kai as per usual!

Korero from Ta Tipene O'Regan 

Korero from Ta Tipene O'Regan 

Sinclair Wetlands

Sinclair Wetlands



Kaimahi with the help of Kaitiakitanga Wananga members worked like a well oiled machine to get packed lunches out for the filed trip to Sinclair Wetlands. 

Kaimahi with the help of Kaitiakitanga Wananga members worked like a well oiled machine to get packed lunches out for the filed trip to Sinclair Wetlands. 

Up close and personal with some yummy kai!

Up close and personal with some yummy kai!



or click on link


Rugby kids

Pirates Rugby Club have the pleasure of a number of Ōtākou tamariki playing very fine rugby for them.  There are multiple members in this shot that had their contribution highly recognized at this season’s prize giving for their individual talent and skills.  In addition a number of them play in the Team of Year, 15 Aside Team of the Year, Metropolitan Blue 2018 winners and now Taiaroa McDonald will play alongside his cousin Issac Kramers (both of Taiaroa whakapapa) as they have the privilege of pulling on the Otago strip this weekend to take on Southland, Southland Metro and Southland Country in the Trevor Boyle Shield.  We wish them all the very best. 

Left Front: Kahurangi Russell-Johnson, Anahera Russell-Johnson, Taiaroa McDonald, Issac Kramers John (Hammer) Strange Left Back: Daniel Strange, Timoti Potiki, Noah Strange

Left Front: Kahurangi Russell-Johnson, Anahera Russell-Johnson, Taiaroa McDonald, Issac Kramers John (Hammer) Strange Left Back: Daniel Strange, Timoti Potiki, Noah Strange

Kiedis Gray

Kiedis Gray

New Zealand Police

Ōtākou work closely with Southern District Police on a number of initiatives and partnership models.  One of those initiatives is to tautoko year 12 and over rakatahi that are interested in joining the Police.  This week Senior Constable Toni Wall put one of our rakatahi through her paces (Bilei Gray) to see how she would she would cope with the obstacles they face on the PCT.  No trouble to Bilei and we will continue to tautoko her through the next few years as she prepares herself to become a Police Officer.

Bilei Gray assisted by Senior Constable Toni Wall. 

Bilei Gray assisted by Senior Constable Toni Wall. 

Nga Taonga Sound and Vision

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Sarah Johnston, Senoir Client Access Liaison has kindly has shared this oral history interview with George Ellison (1907-1991) of Otākou from 1983 - It was shared on our Facebook page but missed on our last epanui, so adding in this epanui for those who may have missed it.


"Hope you enjoy hearing it – some nice details about life on the Peninsula back in the day."

Ngā mihi nui

Sarah Johnston

Senior Client Access Liaison – Takawaenga ā-Iwi Matua

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Unit 51/6 Hazeldean Rd · Addington · Christchurch 8024

Direct dial +64 3 3748 468 or 0800 642 826 ext. 468

Ngāi Tahu Fund & Taiawatea

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The last funding rounds of the year for the Ngāi Tahu Fund (Ngāi Tahu cultural projects) & Taiawatea (Ngāi Tahu rangatahi cultural leadership) are open and will close on

Friday 28th September at 5pm.

We must stress the importance of complete and on-time applications – Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted as it is not fair to other applicants, or Funds staff who process these applications.

The Ngāi Tahu Funds Assessment Committee will meet in mid-November to make decisions on all applications received during this round. Projects should begin after application decisions are delivered and not before this time.

Levels of funding available through the Ngāi Tahu Fund:

§  He kaupapa iti – small projects for individuals (up to $5,000)

§  He kaupapa nui – medium projects for legal entities only (up to $30,000)

§  He kaupapa nui rawa – (over $30,000) – a written expression of interest should accompany all large/transformational applications, please contact the Fund’s team in advance if you intend to submit a large project (only available for legal entities).

Levels of funding available through Taiawatea:

o   Registered Ngāi Tahu rangatahi aged 13-25 can apply for up to $1,000 for cultural projects

o   Registered Ngāi Tahu rangatahi aged 13-25 participating in regional and national cultural events can apply for between $500-1,000

o   Rōpū with a  Ngāi Tahu association can apply for up to $5,000 (NB: to receive the maximum amount of funding, a group should have at least 20 registered Ngāi Tahu participants & be prepared to submit Ngāi Tahu content as part of the application)


For copies of both applications or for more information or for the full criteria, feel free to contact

Ngā mihi,


Ngāi Tahu Funds Advisor (Kaiwhiri te Kete Tahua) | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu  |15 Show Place, Addington 8024 | PO Box 13-046 Christchurch  8141 | 021 927 577 / 03 974 0017 |  

Permits for the allocation and use of

taoka species in Otago


Find out how to get a permit from the Komiti Taoka Tuku Iho for the allocation and use of taoka species in Otago.

Follow link below;

Taieri  Hui Ako  2018.

DATE: Thursday 23rd August 2018.

TIME: Session 1 starts at 10am Session 2 starts at 12.30pm

VENUE: Fairfield School Hall

PROGRAMME: Mihi Whakatau/ Educational Setting items/ Poroporoaki.

For more information or copies of the programme please contact Lauana Thomas

On behalf of the Taieri Hui Ako Organising Committee.

Nāku noa.

Lauana Thomas

Resource Teacher of Māori ki Ōtāgo.


The exhibition 150 years in the making

The Exhibition 150yrs in the making Otago Muesum.png

Otago Museum marks its 150th anniversary on 12 September.
To celebrate, we're thrilled to announce est. 1868.

 Using “…est” as the curatorial driving point, the exhibition flips the script on the traditionally linear chronology of anniversary narratives. 500 objects, spanning the humanities, natural science and taoka Māori collections, have been interpreted into thematic strands, including the biggest, smallest, rarest, quirkiest, and tastiest.

The intriguingly displayed objects offer curious insights into the stories behind the objects and invite visitors to be amused, provoked and thoughtful, to reflect on the past and imagine the future. Sections such as the deadliest and the hardest challenge us to consider changing attitudes to past museum practices, environmental issues, and society, and how the present will, could, or should shape the Museum’s development over the next 150 years and beyond.

est. 1868 opens on 25 August and runs until 14 April at Otago Museum in the Special Exhibitions Gallery. Entry is free, and a range of public events are programmed during the nine months. 

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Meet Sirocco in Dunedin this September


Sirocco the kākāpō has had a few years out of the spotlight, but now the Spokesbird for Conservation is ready to meet his adoring public once more. Just one look into those big beautiful eyes will have you adopting a kākāpō.

Would you like to book a date to meet Sirocco at Orokonui Ecosanctuary?



Homecoming 7th Sept Performance EFLIER.jpg

Kia ora koutou,

Nau mai haere mai,

Ngai Tahu Fund Grant produced theatre production "Homecoming" being performed at Otago University on 7th September. One public evening performance and two lunchtime theatre abridged 1pm performances.

This is the story of Cindy Driver's great grandad, Hohepa Teihoka drawn directly from his diary and accompanied by song, haka and history.

The play is being produced by the Department of Music, Theatre and performing Arts in association with Theatreworks. 

The directors are Cindy Diver and Hilary Halba, two exceptionally talented and experienced theatre practitioners. 

One of New Zealand’s leading Māori actors Taungaroa Emile will play the lead role and be supported by a local feast of talent from the Dunedin performing community. 

The production will include singers Sophie Morris, Erina Daniels, a piper, musicians and a roopu waiata Maori. Martyn Roberts is the designer for the project and will be creating a special visual projected component on University buildings as an accompaniment to the evening.

Tickets for the public performance are $10 each and can be ordered via email below. Lunchtime theatre 1pm shows on the Thurs/Friday are even cheaper at $5/$3 and can be bought on the day at Allen Hall Theatre.

There are only 80 seats still available, so folk need to book asap.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like any more information.

Nga mihi nui
Cindy Diver

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Te Pae Tawhiti Wananga





24th - 26th Here-turi-kökä 2018.



Celebrating AUKATI - the sacred traditional Korowai that epitomises and

embraces the purity of wellbeing


Celebrate Whakapapa - In its purest form “KO AU, KO KOE, KO TATOU”



•   KEMU TAWHITO - traditional games

•   TOI MAORI - traditional art on kohatu

•   RARANGA - traditional weaving

•   WHAKAPAKARI TINANA - physical wellbeing

•  TUMANAWAORA TUMANAWATOA - traditional Karakia



Ramere 24th Here-turi- koka Powhiri Whakatau   4.30pm

Ratapu  26th Here-turi- koka

-   Poroporoaki - 1.30pm

-   Karakia whakakapi

-   Hoki ki te kainga - 3.30pm


For catering purposes all registrations to be in by 20th August 2018

Any queries contact Te Mairiki Williams  021 117 6223 or email


Smoke, alcohol, drug & violence free

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Te Runanga o Otakou Panui

27th July 2018

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Kia ora koutou

Welcome back whanau, we hope everyone enjoyed their time off during the school break and ready to hit term 3 head on! Only 4 weeks of winter to go! Is it safe to say we have had a pretty good winter so far?!? Certainly no complaints coming from the Kaik! While Otakou Marae has been quiet during the winter period, hui bookings are starting to come through thick and fast again so if your thinking of making a booking be sure to check out the Events page and get your submissions in via the Book a hui page.

What's been happening at Otakou Marae

On the 10th July we had a last minute request from Janine Kapa to tautoko a Otago Polytechnic hui and it was an absolute pleasure to manaaki them while they completed their Mata a Ao Maori certificate. 

Otago Polytechnic Noho Marae; Staff completing 2 courses from the certificate in Mata a Ao Maori

Otago Polytechnic Noho Marae; Staff completing 2 courses from the certificate in Mata a Ao Maori



or click on link


Kana the leopard seal pup returns to the Otago Museum. 

Kana the leopard seal pup was returned to Otago Museum earlier than expected. The Taiaroa whanau who were already visiting the museum to view some family taoka in the museum's care took the opportunity to be included in a small informal get together to uncrate Kana. The Museum and whanau took the time to share their stories with each other followed by some yummy kai at the Museum Café.

Otago Museum Curator Rachel Wesley with her children Koreana and Te Hori, also Timoti Potiki and Ella and Taiaroa McDonald during the uncrating of Kana the leopard seal found between Lawyers Head and St Kilda beach. 

Otago Museum Curator Rachel Wesley with her children Koreana and Te Hori, also Timoti Potiki and Ella and Taiaroa McDonald during the uncrating of Kana the leopard seal found between Lawyers Head and St Kilda beach. 

Ella Taiaroa McDonald viewing whanau taoka (Chief Taiaroa's whalebone patu) being cared for by the Otago Museum. While Timoti Potiki and Taua Janece Taiaroa look on. 

Ella Taiaroa McDonald viewing whanau taoka (Chief Taiaroa's whalebone patu) being cared for by the Otago Museum. While Timoti Potiki and Taua Janece Taiaroa look on. 

A guide to warm, healty rentals by Consumer NZ

Consumer NZ has developed a simple guide for renters to help choose healthy rental properties, and improve the health and warmth of rental properties. This was supported by Ministry of Health.

The guide is free and can be found here:
It has great advice and covers:

  • rental checklist
  • renter's rights
  • cutting the power bill
  • insulation in rentals
  • heating your rental
  • curtains in rentals
  • dampness and ventilation in rentals
  • dealing with mould
  • dealing with draughts
  • windows in rentals
  • healthy home assessment
  • smoke alarms in rentals

Winston Churchill Trust Board

Tēnā koutou,

 Our funding round for this year is currently open for Winston Churchill Trust Board , for local community that might be interested in applying for a 2019 Fellowship. 

More information is set out below 

For further information. 

Erin Victoria Jackson Ph.022 430 8043


Applications for the 2019 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust - NZ Fellowships are open! The Winston Churchill Fellowships were established in 1965 to help kiwis travel overseas to learn from others and study topics that will advance their occupation, trade, industry, profession or community and benefit New Zealand.

To begin your application process, or for more information, visit


Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowships assist New Zealanders to travel overseas, to visit other communities, to learn from others and study topics that will help them to increase their contribution to their community, and advance their trade, industry, profession or business.

Fellows return to New Zealand with new knowledge, skills, inspiration and networks to share and support development in their field. The Trust encourages a diverse range of applications from across Aotearoa, and note that travel must be undertaken in the 2019 calendar year. To read previous Fellows’ reports, visit the WCMT website.

This year, the Winston Churchill New Zealand China Friendship Society Fellowship will also be awarded. This Fellowship is in partnership with the New Zealand China Friendship Society and offers a specialised fellowship for travel to China to gain knowledge, understanding and experience of Chinese culture and values. It is intended for the benefit of an occupation, trade or profession, or to benefit New Zealand through the creation or deepening of New Zealand-China relations.

Conversation Week 15-23 Sept 2018

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Toitu Hauora 4th and 5th Sept 2018

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Health and wellbeing for learning

and Talking Matters workshop

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Talking and listening is a key factor in the relationship between parent and child and is a big contributor to building resilience in children and encouraging other aspects of positive parenting.  This should be really interesting for anyone supporting parents and whanau of young children.

Talking matters and Health and Wellbeing for Learning are organising a free workshop for educators and people working with parents and children in Dunedin on 9 August and Invercargill on 10 August:

·         Dunedin:

·         Invercargill:

Museum seeks Community Memories


Museum seeks community memories

As the Otago Museum prepares to mark its 150th anniversary this September, planning is well underway for a display of an eclectic collection of objects to celebrate. Now Dunedin locals have a chance to add their own memories to the exhibition more than a century in the making.

Museum staff are calling for those who have stories to tell or pictures to share of their experience of the Otago Museum, from any time in the past century and a half.

Head of Design Craig Scott explains, “We’ve created space in the exhibition design so we can include our community’s stories – the community is after all an integral part of the Museum’s history and success. We’d like to hear from anyone who has a connection, whether from coming here as a child or from delving into our collections as a researcher.”

Comments can be shared by:


Post: Attention 150 years of memories, PO Box 6202, Dunedin 9059

Delivery: Attention 150 years of memories, The Info Desk, Otago Museum

Phone: 03 4793279

For more information
Hannah Molloy 


Otago Museum Marketing Manager

Te Panui Runaka

Kia ora koutou,

We’ve had a little break but TPR is back, as sure as the rising sun! I’m sure you all have a kōrero of some sort to share J

Content for the August issue is due Tuesday, July 31. It will be mailed out to whānau from August 21.

Please try to provide names or captions for any photos you send in, and please attach them in an email, rather than inserting them into your Word document. As always, keep me in the loop if you’re running late with content but please also understand I may not always be able to offer extensions.

Ngā mihi everyone,

Arielle Monk| Te Pānui Rūnaka |

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu | PO Box 13 046 | Christchurch 8141|

Imēra: | Waea: 03 974 0113 | Waea Pūkoro: 027 511 3366 |



The ancient philosophy of IO was passed on to me by my father Tapui and Koro Te Tuhi (Tuhoe) and now I am taking small groups in our home in the evenings from 7-9 pm. The next course begins September 6. 

I call it MAURI HAUORA which means "the health of your energy field." I have travelled nationally and internationally running workshops and discussion groups over the years with this program for Counselors, Teachers, Psychologists, Police, CYFS, Family Court, Prisons, WINZ and NGO's working in the field of Violence Prevention.

People can contact me on 4780 220 or 021 1875057.

Nga mihi

Theraze & Olly Ohlson

Mauri Hauora Tohunga Kaiako  

(Wisdom Keepers & Teachers of ancient Maori Symbols & Philosophy)

Book launch Treasures of Tāne

Kia ora e hoa,

I’d like to extend an invitation to members of the Otakou Runanga to attend a function to launch my book Treasures of Tāne: Plants of Ngāi Tahu, at the University Book Shop in Dunedin at 5.30pm on Tuesday, August 7.

They only need to advise the organisers (details attached) for catering purposes.

Nga mihi,

Rob Tipa

(03) 4780-360




Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou Panui

 6th July 2018

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Kia ora koutou

Only a couple days left until us parents get bombarded with bored and whining kids  -Keep your chins up folks we all in for the long haul;  Why not bring them out to Otakou for a; Picnic on the porch, a walk around the pa, or why not stroll along Te Rauone beach, or fish off the Monarch wharf. Don't forget you can also; Go for an expedition through the Harington Point tunnels, a drive over to Papanui Inlet, or a walk to the pyramids just to name a few free activities in the Kaik. Whatever you and the whanau chose to do, be safe!

What's been happening at Ōtākou Marae

Taking the time to keep flaunting the improvements that continue at Ōtākou Marae, watch this space for our new garden going in along side Hakuiao. 

New pathway along side Hakuiao. Watch this space for new garden!

New pathway along side Hakuiao. Watch this space for new garden!

New path to Garden shed

New path to Garden shed

Visits from John McGlashan and Portobello School 

We have been very lucky to have a few School visits this term. Last panui saw Taieri Beach School. This time, John McGlashan and Portobello  School graced us with their presence. Our Kaitoko, Taikawa Tamati-Elliffe, tautoko John McGlashan with taiaha lessons...

John McGlashan School

While Portobello School held their final school assembly, for the term, at Ōtākou Marae followed by afternoon tea for the teachers, students and their parents. It was wonderful to watch the tamariki warm Tamatea with their school achievements and their activities outside.



Debates and Shapes! 

Debates and Shapes! 

Yummy wa kai!

Yummy wa kai!

Wa takaro

Wa takaro

The tamariki did not let the chillier end of the day spoil their fun!

The tamariki did not let the chillier end of the day spoil their fun!



or click on link



He Waka Kotuia

A massive mihi to He Waka Kotuia for what can only be described as the most impressive performance EVER!  The pride we felt watching the live stream was enough to bring you to tears.  The hearts of us all were beating so hard we crashed the live stream which you could feel the reverberation throughout Te Waipounamu!

On behalf of us all at Ōtākou we salute every rakatahi that make up He Waka Kotuia including those that were reserves. To Komene, Paulette, Ange and Cherie – ka mihi aroha ki a koutou

Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa 2018

Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa 2018

Kia ora koutou Wahine

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 Police are currently looking for – in a positive way – Maori women that need or want to get their Learners Driver’s Licence.

They may be previously forbidden or suspended drivers and need support, or someone that just hasn’t got round to sitting their Learners due to many barriers like cost, education, support and not knowing how.

This is a free course which will be facilitated by Methodist Mission in collaboration with Police.

We need names please whanau, so help spread the word!!

For more information contact;

Senior Constable Toni Wall
Kaitakawaenga - Iwi/Pacific Liasion Officer | Otago Coastal Area (Dunedin/Clutha/Oamaru) | New Zealand Police
P   +64 3 471 4888  Extn: 33088   |   M   +64 21 191 5069    |   E
Dunedin Central Police Station, 25 Great King Street, Dunedin, Private Bag 1924, Dunedin

Safer Communities Together

  NZ Police on Facebook    Follow @NZPolice    NZ Police on YouTube

Whakapapa talk at the Hocken

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Whakapapa Talk at the Hocken
Jacinta Beckwith, Kaitiaki Mātauranga Māori
Megan Vaughan, Hocken Researcher Services
Nau mai, haere mai! Join us for a kōrero on key resources for whakapapa research.
Come half an hour early for kaputī prior to the kōrero. All welcome.
Hocken Library Seminar Room | 90 Anzac Avenue, Ōtepoti Dunedin
Wednesday 18 July, 2018

Group in ceremonial dress at the New Zealand International Exhibition, Christchurch, 1906-1907. Hocken Photographs Collection. James McDonald. Box-289-002.

Group in ceremonial dress at the New Zealand International Exhibition, Christchurch, 1906-1907. Hocken Photographs Collection. James McDonald. Box-289-002.

Te Mātāuru ki Te Reo Tukutuku

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Tēnā anō tātou,

Te Mātawai Investment – Te Mātāuru ki Te Reo Tukutuku

(Round Closes 5pm, Wednesday 25th of July)

He matakahuki, he reo tukutuku! - The stitch that binds and connects te Kāhui ā reo tukutuku and the stitch woven across generations thus ensuring it’s sustainability.

The four reo sectors covered by this funding are;

  • Te Hapori – Community
  • Te Pāpāho – Media
  • Te Mātauranga – Education
  • Te Hunga Noho Tāone – Urban Māori.   

The fund will achieve its desired outcomes by;


  • Fostering new and innovative approaches that may not have been tested but could potentially be ‘gamechangers’.
  • Identifying initiatives and events that have been successful in growing and nurturing te reo
  • o   Ensuring projects connect whānau and communities ensuring intergenerational growth and sustainability
  • o   Supporting initiatives that develop language revitalisation planning capability and capacity
  • o   Supporting and growing cross-sector approaches that build local capability, improve ‘reach’ into communities and development of new projects

Please follow this link for further information about Te Reo Tukutuku Investment Plan.

If we can assist with advice or review of applications for this funding from the Office or Papatipu Rūnanga please e-mail or phone 0800 Kāi Tahu.

Ngāi Tahu Funds

Te Taumatua – Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu

15 Show Place, Addington 8024 | PO Box 13-046 Christchurch  8141 | 021 963 766 | 03 974 0122 | |

‘Whāia te iti kahuraki ki te tūohu koe me he mauka teitei’

Aim high for what is truly valuable and don’t let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.

Generation Zero

Generation Zero

Generation Zero is a youth led organisation with the primary focus of reducing carbon pollution in Aotearoa. They have proposed a new law to achieve this called the Zero Carbon Act. We encourage as many supportive submissions as possible to ensure the best and most ambitious climate law for Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Follow the link below to make a submission before 5pm on the 19th of July:

Ka Pu Te Ruha

Supporting Rangatahi Cultural Leadership

Through a newly established partnership, The Ministry of Youth Development and the         Ngāi Tahu Fund are offering an opportunity to fund group projects up to $5,000 to support  Rangatahi Cultural Leadership and creative expression.


To be eligible to apply, your project must align to at least one of the following priority areas:

-  Ārahitaka – Guidance and Mentoring

-  Mana Takata – Leadership and Self-Determination

-  Manaakitaka – Volunteering

-  Kāi Tahutaka – Cultural Identity

Applications will be considered from Rangatahi aged 12- 24 (where the applicant is under 18 years-of-age, the application must be signed by a parent or guardian.

Applications submitted to Ka Pū Te Ruha will be reviewed by a funding panel from the Ngāi Tahu Funds and the Ministry of Youth Development.

Application deadline

Applications are to be received before or by Tuesday 24 July 2018 (NB: No late or incomplete applications will be accepted).

Apply today

To obtain an application form, please contact: or call 0800 KAI TAHU

Creative Vision - Ross Creek Reservoir Refurbishment

The Dunedin City Council will be seeking submissions from artists, designers and/or creative groups to undertake work, embedding art and creativity into a group of projects focused around the restoration of the Ross Creek Reservoir.

We will require an overall creative vision for the Ross Creek Reservoir Refurbishment site. This project will offer exciting opportunities in terms of creative approaches to landscaping, community amenities, pathway treatments, a new pedestrian footbridge and new public artwork, set within this important natural and community environment.


RFP closing date 30 July 2018

If you have any queries regarding this process please contact Procurement Contract Management Advisor, Dunedin City Council

Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards - nominations open

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Keep Dunedin Beautiful 2018 Awards
Call for nominations
Keep Dunedin Beautiful is seeking nominations for its annual awards, to be held on

Monday, 30 July. 

The awards recognise groups and individuals who have contributed to keeping the city beautiful – paying special attention to their adopted spot, demonstrating community spirit or outstanding service. We celebrate the diversity of work happening in the community, from small grassroots activities to larger environmental projects, and encourage people to think of friends and neighbours who are committed to keeping Dunedin beautiful.
The top four winners, including the recipients of the Taylor Community Pride Award and the Pod Award, will receive a prize of between $50 and $100.
The awards will be presented by the Mayor of Dunedin Dave Cull and Keep Dunedin Beautiful Chair Jan Tucker.
For more information and to nominate a group or individual, please contact:
Allison Wallace, Keep Dunedin Beautiful Coordinator, 03 477 4000
Nominations close

Emergency Response Information Evening 

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Spark Jump

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Spark Jump helps eligible families with children under 18 learn online at home for $10 for 30GB. It’s a low cost, prepaid internet service for families with children under 18 who currently have no WiFi connection. 

It costs $10 for 30GB of data and you can top-up as you go. A modem is provided free for as long as you’re using Spark Jump.  You’ll be able to comfortably browse the internet and check emails. Spark Jump is designed for learning and it’s great for children to do their homework and for parents and caregivers to access health, government, shopping and job sites. You can watch videos and listen to music using Spark Jump, but the data will be used much faster. You can check how much data you’ve used by logging into your Skinny dashboard.

This is a community focused panui, if you have anything you would like to share within our takiwa please contact Te Runanga o Otakou office.



Te Runanga o Otakou Panui 22nd June 2018

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Kia ora koutou,

Today is the first time for us to step over into the world of Blogging! 
As this can be new to many including the office,  we would appreciate your feedback.
Winter can be a quiet period for the marae, that gives way for us to get stuck into lots of maintenance. Over the last two weeks the office crew have had a scheduled spring (winter) clean out. It was all hands on deck when it came to giving the Hui room beside the office special attention and I can confirm it is looking pretty spesh!
Don't forget if you are wanting one of our exclusive Te Runanga o Otakou hoodies, all sizes $50 each. You must register as  Hapu member first. This is a great initiative to get you and your whanau registered with Otakou. For further enquiries, please contact the office.
Te Runanga o Otakou hoodies front view $50 each
Te Runanga o Otakou Hoodie back view $50 each

Our handymen, Pete and Jon with the help of the PD boys have installed steps down the side of Hakuiao, a work in progress. We appreciate the continued effort of the boys when they come. 

The new Hakuiao steps June 2018


Taieri Beach School Marae visit

The entire school; Students, Principle and teachers. It was a pleasure to manaaki Taieri Beach School.

The entire school; Students, Principle and teachers. It was a pleasure to manaaki Taieri Beach School.

On Thursday 21st June we had a visit from Taieri Beach School, there are only 7 students that attend this school. They're visit was far too short but very sweet, we had the best time with them, hopefully we can share a photo of them in the near future but for now we can share some of their personal messages that they have sent to the office, we hope to see them again very soon!...Here is a couple of the messages we recieved;

1) Dear Taikawa, Sha, Michelle, Natalie and Anne, My name is Ethan and I am the youngest pupil at Taieri Beach School. I am five. I would like to say Thank-you for having us on your Marae yesterday. I liked playing the pu game with T.K and Sha. I had fun
Your sincerely
2) Dear Otakou Marae staff, Thank you for letting us come over to the Marae, it was very fun and exciting.   I liked learning the locations of different Maraes.   I loved the cakes, they were very tasty.  The scones were the most tasty, Thank-you Anne.   I liked the warm welcome song too.   I like learning the history about your Maori culture.  
3) Dear Otakou Marae staff, Thank you for letting us eat the scones,  they were the best ever they are SUPER GOOD YUM YUM YUM  YUM  YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM .I really liked learning the history of your Marae, oh I loved the game pu. Thank you T.K for helping learn how to say Ahitereiria. Thank you T.K, Sha, Michelle, Natalie and Anne
From Harry 


Today we had a visit from Tawhiri Karetai who has come down to prepare his mother's grave for her unveiling on the 30th June 2018, arohanui to the whanau.

To see up and coming events please see our









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If you think you might have the skills and attributes to be a Māori Warden I would love to have a korero with you.

I am looking for you if you enjoy supporting people, have a love for the community they live in, have some spare time to give and have a reasonable fitness level as we patrol a lot meaning there is a bit of walking.

For our younger ones the training, experience and credibility you gain from doing this voluntary mahi sets you in very good stead if you are looking at increasing your employability rating.  It is particularly attractive if you are considering a career in the NZ Police.

If you have a criminal conviction I encourage you to still contact me to see if it will be a barrier as you may be surprised what is still acceptable.





Planetarium show

Discover the stories of Aotearoa New Zealand’s night skies in this special te reo Māori screening.

Mārama ā-Whetū: Light of the Stars relates the story of the Polynesian explorers who navigated across the ocean to Aotearoa, and highlights New Zealand’s most significant astronomical features. This screening will be followed by a live exploration of the Dunedin night sky in our 360° planetarium, guided by a Tūhura science communicator in both te reo Māori and English.

Drinks and snacks will be available for purchase.

Child (3-18 years): $10 Adult: $15

7pm, Sunday 22 July
Perpetual Guardian Planetarium



Bayfield High School’s Matariki Celebration Fundraiser

All are welcome to this student friendly film festival.
We open the invite to the community and contributing schools in the area.
The Matariki short film festival is at

The Guthrie Pavilion Thursday 28th June 6-8pm
$5 with cheese rolls and refreshments included.





Kia ora

The Annual Yellow-eyed Penguin Symposium is on again for 2018. Please note our change in venue this year to accommodate a larger audience.

Date: Saturday 4th August

Time: 9am - 4pm

Venue: Archway 2 Lecture Theatre

Archway Building on the corner of Union Street East and Leith Walk (look for the YEPT flags along the way!)

University of Otago, Dunedin (map can be found here)

During the day there will be time for all groups who wish to have an opportunity to report on what they have done for yellow-eyed penguins / hoiho during the past year. Please indicate on the registration form if your group would like to report and who will be speaking on behalf of your group. We will try our best to accommodate all requests to present.

The morning session will focus on season reports for monitoring, research, habitat and survey work undertaken over the past year, from community groups in Otago, Stewart Island / Rakiura and Codfish Island / Whenua Hou, Banks Peninsula / Te Pataka o Rakaihautu and the Sub-antarctic Islands.

The afternoon session will allow for longer presentations on relevant issues.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided as in previous years. Registration is staying at $30 per person and the symposium price is budgeted to cover costs only - there is no intention to make a profit.

Registration information

To register, please complete this form indicating your contact details and method of payment. If paying by direct credit, include your name and YEP SYMPOSIUM as the reference. Please note, we can only confirm your registration once you have forwarded your registration fee or made other arrangements for payment, due to catering requirements. 

Please forward this to others in your networks that may be interested in attending.

We look forward to seeing you at the symposium.

Kind regards

Sue Murray

Bruce McKinlay

General Manager

Technical Advisor

Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust

Department of Conservation

P: +64 3 479 0011


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