Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete!
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office would like to take the time to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Thanks to all that have tautoko, volunteered, worked and joined in the many events that happened throughout 2018, may you all get the peaceful down time that’s deserved!!
Christmas is one of the few times per year where we can all get together at once in the same place so turn off those ipads, mute those cell phones - forget about the selfie sticks and cherish those moments with whanau and friends!!
Merry Christmas from Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office and friends!
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office Christmas hours
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office will be closed from 12pm Friday 21st Dec 2018 and re-opening 9am Monday 7th Jan 2019. Any urgent enquiries please direct them to
Michelle Taiaroa McDonald 027 281 5679.
Normal trading hours Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm
Kanakana the leopard seal welcomed in to the
Otago Museum whanau.
On Monday 17th December, members of the rūnanga met with Otago Museum staff including Rachel Wesley to welcome Kana home. Tumai Cassidy lead the procession with karakia followed by waiata and kai. Rachel also took the opportunity to take hapu members down to the basement to view the Taiaroa Kākahu.
The kākahu was gifted to Mr Abernethy by the Taiaroa whānau for recovering the body of Teone Taiaroa after his drowning on New Year’s Eve 1907. The kākahu features a stunning cotton tāniko border, and the feathers are peacock, pheasant, chicken, and pukeko. The main body is very fine whatu.
Link to the Otago Witness reporting of the inquest into Teone’s drowning:
Link to the article from ODT for the welcoming of Kana the leopard seal:
What a Christmas party!
If you were not one of the 60 odd that came to our Christmas party for the Tamariki then what a day you missed!
Hakuiao was dressed in her Christmas finery with a gorgeous tree that the tamariki wrote special messages on baubles that were then hung in the tree. The smell of hot popcorn coming from the popcorn machine and the giggles and shrieks coming from the photo booth started our day off with great excitement. But wait there was more! – the adventure playground was opened with a ribbons being cut by our Tumai Cassidy and Lucas Taiaroa. Tumai also ensured that much fun would be had on the playground with a strong karakia before the ribbons were cut and the tamariki set loose to explore. Soon after the sound of sweet music could be heard coming up the road who all the tamariki recognised as the ice cream truck arriving which saw witness to young and old piling out of the bouncy castle in a race to get to the start of the line.
We then enjoyed a fabulous lunch that everyone brought their own special dish to and is was not long after that a bell could be heard followed by a loud “ho ho ho” and through the door burst Hana Kōkō with so many gifts he needed a line of helpers behind him.
Finally the time come to compete for the highly sought after Te Wera Cup. A tradition that is fought each year between our cousins from Puketeraki and ourselves. Unfortunately the Puketeraki cousins were well outnumbered but given Poua Ewan Duff put his body on the line during a hard fought sack race it was agreed by the officials that it was Puketeraki that put the most effort into the hard fought competition and therefore crowned the champions. Congratulations Puketeraki!
It was also the perfect day to welcome home the pieces of Pounamu that were stolen back in March 2018.
Message from our Kaitoko
There is now a Kaitoko Mātauraka ki te Rūnaka o Ōtākou facebook page
The page has been created to enable instant access to updates from education providers, events, information and support for our Kāi Tahu whānau.
It is also an easy way for you to ask the Kaitoko for help or general enquiries that you may have.
Please like the page and share with all of your whānau!
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngahere
Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauraka nōnā te ao
The bird that consumes the miro berry owns the forest
The bird that consumes knowledge owns the world
Amie Curtis
Kaitoko I Te Rūnanga ō Ōtākou Inc I 45 Tamatea Rd I Otakou RD2 I Otago Peninsula 9077
Tel: 03 478 0352 I Email:
Te Pānui Rūnaka
Did you know, if you have any information you would like shared in the monthly TPR ( Te Panui Runaka) you can do so via Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou office on
Did you know we have our own FACEBOOK page? Make sure you like us and follow the many panui, conversations and events.
Hapu Registrations
Have you registered yourself and your whanau on Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou hapu database? Simply follow the link below and send your application/s to Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou
Ōtākou Rūnanga Hoodies
Don’t forget about our Rūnanga Hoodies available in any colour as long as it’s black!
If you would like to kit the whanau out contact the office;, 03 478 0352.
Komiti Coordinator Role
Komiti Coordinator (1.00 FTE)
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou will have a role available in February 2019 for an administrator who will be responsible for the coordination of all our internal hui within the hapū.
Ōtākou have a number of komiti that feed recommendations into the main monthly hapū hui known as the Rūnaka General.
If you have exceptional administrative, organisational and communication skills and want to work in the most beautiful part of the world nestled within a glen overlooking the entrance to the Otago harbour then please send your c.v. and covering letter to Michelle Taiaroa-McDonald at
Applications close 18th January 2019