Nāia te toa o Tarewai, kai a ia anō tāna patu,
kai a ia anō tōna REO!
Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou are calling for expressions of interest from our members interested in joining our Ōtākou te reo Māori focus group. This group will consider how we might develop an Ōtākou hapū Māori language strategy, a strategy that looks at strengthening te reo Māori me ōna tikaka for our Ōtākou whānau over the next two generations and beyond!
Rakatahi mā, mātua mā, poua mā, taua mā: if you are keen to join our group of passionate te reo advisors and enthusiasts, nau mai, tauti mai!
Please either write a short paragraph about yourself, or send a short video that includes:
- Your interests and skills
- Your aspirations for te reo.
Either send to the office at or to our Naia te toa o Tarewai facebook page by 31st Sept 2018,
We look forward to hearing from you!
If you haven't already heard, there has been a Toro (Maori Spear) discovered on Wednesday at Taieri Mouth by local resident, Trevor Griffin.
See Otago Daily Times article below:
Almost 200 year old Spear found by fisherman
A significant piece of Maori history in Otago may have been sitting in plain sight for years.On Wednesday, Taieri Mouth resident Trevor Griffin found a seven-foot long toro (Maori spear) while whitebaiting on the Taieri River near The Chimneys."I was enjoying my day whitebaiting then saw something unusual shaped, it was man made I thought, the taiaha my son makes had that same shape on it." "As soon you touched it then you realised it was something special."After realising the significance of his find he contacted the Otago Museum who told him to bring the toro in as soon as possible.
Mr Griffin said he has been whitebaiting at the same spot for at least 40 years but it was two years since his last visit."Who knows how long it's been there for, there were footprints right beside it, so somebody just walked straight past it." Museum curator Maori, Rachel Wesley, said the toro was an exciting discovery and a significant piece of local Maori history."I would rank this as pretty significant, we've a really amazing collection here at Otago Museum but we don't have anything so securely provenienced to Otago."The object could be up to 200 years old and was likely carved from manuka. The toro would now be taken to the Otakou Marae where there was an organic treatment facility. It has been photographed and examined by museum staff which had then be given to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage. It was found in an area where local tradition has it that a chief was killed mid-flight, jumping off a cliff known as Maori Leap to escape his pursuers. Though it was difficult to prove any connection between the toro and the tradition.
For video clip follow link below:
Taieri Local resident, Trevor Griffin and Otakou Kaumatua, Paul Karaitiana enjoy the spoils of Trevor's discovery.
Rachel Wesley taking measurements with Natalie Karaitiana.
The 7 foot long Toro, in safe hands.
In addition to the article we have photos from Friday Night as the Toro is brought to Otakou to be persevered along side the Waka discovered at Papanui Inlet. Rachel Wesley, Curator Maori Otago Museum and Hapu member carries and safely submurges the Toro as Moana Wesley (mother to Rachel) joined by Ewen Duff and Marita Hicks watch on.
Whats been happening at Otakou Marae
Last week saw the completion of a long campaign for Ngai Tahu Programme leader Sarah Wilson and Senior environmental adviser, Kirsty Huxford for the Kaitiakitanga Wananga. What a busy three days it was for Ngai Tahu members that attended. The wananga was in full flight from Powhiri to Presentations, Field trips to Workshops and korero with Ta Tipene O'Regan, Edward Ellison and Paulette Tamati-Elliffe as guests speakers at the wananga. Ringawera Julz Asher worked her magic in the wharekai delivering some awesome kai as per usual!
Korero from Ta Tipene O'Regan
Sinclair Wetlands
Kaimahi with the help of Kaitiakitanga Wananga members worked like a well oiled machine to get packed lunches out for the filed trip to Sinclair Wetlands.
Up close and personal with some yummy kai!
or click on link
Rugby kids
Pirates Rugby Club have the pleasure of a number of Ōtākou tamariki playing very fine rugby for them. There are multiple members in this shot that had their contribution highly recognized at this season’s prize giving for their individual talent and skills. In addition a number of them play in the Team of Year, 15 Aside Team of the Year, Metropolitan Blue 2018 winners and now Taiaroa McDonald will play alongside his cousin Issac Kramers (both of Taiaroa whakapapa) as they have the privilege of pulling on the Otago strip this weekend to take on Southland, Southland Metro and Southland Country in the Trevor Boyle Shield. We wish them all the very best.
Left Front: Kahurangi Russell-Johnson, Anahera Russell-Johnson, Taiaroa McDonald, Issac Kramers John (Hammer) Strange Left Back: Daniel Strange, Timoti Potiki, Noah Strange
Kiedis Gray
New Zealand Police
Ōtākou work closely with Southern District Police on a number of initiatives and partnership models. One of those initiatives is to tautoko year 12 and over rakatahi that are interested in joining the Police. This week Senior Constable Toni Wall put one of our rakatahi through her paces (Bilei Gray) to see how she would she would cope with the obstacles they face on the PCT. No trouble to Bilei and we will continue to tautoko her through the next few years as she prepares herself to become a Police Officer.
Bilei Gray assisted by Senior Constable Toni Wall.
Nga Taonga Sound and Vision
Sarah Johnston, Senoir Client Access Liaison has kindly has shared this oral history interview with George Ellison (1907-1991) of Otākou from 1983 - It was shared on our Facebook page but missed on our last epanui, so adding in this epanui for those who may have missed it.
"Hope you enjoy hearing it – some nice details about life on the Peninsula back in the day."
Ngā mihi nui
Sarah Johnston
Senior Client Access Liaison – Takawaenga ā-Iwi Matua
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Unit 51/6 Hazeldean Rd · Addington · Christchurch 8024
Direct dial +64 3 3748 468 or 0800 642 826 ext. 468
Ngāi Tahu Fund & Taiawatea
The last funding rounds of the year for the Ngāi Tahu Fund (Ngāi Tahu cultural projects) & Taiawatea (Ngāi Tahu rangatahi cultural leadership) are open and will close on
Friday 28th September at 5pm.
We must stress the importance of complete and on-time applications – Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted as it is not fair to other applicants, or Funds staff who process these applications.
The Ngāi Tahu Funds Assessment Committee will meet in mid-November to make decisions on all applications received during this round. Projects should begin after application decisions are delivered and not before this time.
Levels of funding available through the Ngāi Tahu Fund:
§ He kaupapa iti – small projects for individuals (up to $5,000)
§ He kaupapa nui – medium projects for legal entities only (up to $30,000)
§ He kaupapa nui rawa – (over $30,000) – a written expression of interest should accompany all large/transformational applications, please contact the Fund’s team in advance if you intend to submit a large project (only available for legal entities).
Levels of funding available through Taiawatea:
o Registered Ngāi Tahu rangatahi aged 13-25 can apply for up to $1,000 for cultural projects
o Registered Ngāi Tahu rangatahi aged 13-25 participating in regional and national cultural events can apply for between $500-1,000
o Rōpū with a Ngāi Tahu association can apply for up to $5,000 (NB: to receive the maximum amount of funding, a group should have at least 20 registered Ngāi Tahu participants & be prepared to submit Ngāi Tahu content as part of the application)
For copies of both applications or for more information or for the full criteria, feel free to contact
Ngā mihi,
Ngāi Tahu Funds Advisor (Kaiwhiri te Kete Tahua) | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu |15 Show Place, Addington 8024 | PO Box 13-046 Christchurch 8141 | 021 927 577 / 03 974 0017 |
Permits for the allocation and use of
taoka species in Otago
Find out how to get a permit from the Komiti Taoka Tuku Iho for the allocation and use of taoka species in Otago.
Follow link below;
Taieri Hui Ako 2018.
DATE: Thursday 23rd August 2018.
TIME: Session 1 starts at 10am Session 2 starts at 12.30pm
VENUE: Fairfield School Hall
PROGRAMME: Mihi Whakatau/ Educational Setting items/ Poroporoaki.
For more information or copies of the programme please contact Lauana Thomas
On behalf of the Taieri Hui Ako Organising Committee.
Nāku noa.
Lauana Thomas
Resource Teacher of Māori ki Ōtāgo.
The exhibition 150 years in the making
Otago Museum marks its 150th anniversary on 12 September.
To celebrate, we're thrilled to announce est. 1868.
Using “…est” as the curatorial driving point, the exhibition flips the script on the traditionally linear chronology of anniversary narratives. 500 objects, spanning the humanities, natural science and taoka Māori collections, have been interpreted into thematic strands, including the biggest, smallest, rarest, quirkiest, and tastiest.
The intriguingly displayed objects offer curious insights into the stories behind the objects and invite visitors to be amused, provoked and thoughtful, to reflect on the past and imagine the future. Sections such as the deadliest and the hardest challenge us to consider changing attitudes to past museum practices, environmental issues, and society, and how the present will, could, or should shape the Museum’s development over the next 150 years and beyond.
est. 1868 opens on 25 August and runs until 14 April at Otago Museum in the Special Exhibitions Gallery. Entry is free, and a range of public events are programmed during the nine months.
Meet Sirocco in Dunedin this September
Sirocco the kākāpō has had a few years out of the spotlight, but now the Spokesbird for Conservation is ready to meet his adoring public once more. Just one look into those big beautiful eyes will have you adopting a kākāpō.
Would you like to book a date to meet Sirocco at Orokonui Ecosanctuary?
Kia ora koutou,
Nau mai haere mai,
Ngai Tahu Fund Grant produced theatre production "Homecoming" being performed at Otago University on 7th September. One public evening performance and two lunchtime theatre abridged 1pm performances.
This is the story of Cindy Driver's great grandad, Hohepa Teihoka drawn directly from his diary and accompanied by song, haka and history.
The play is being produced by the Department of Music, Theatre and performing Arts in association with Theatreworks.
The directors are Cindy Diver and Hilary Halba, two exceptionally talented and experienced theatre practitioners.
One of New Zealand’s leading Māori actors Taungaroa Emile will play the lead role and be supported by a local feast of talent from the Dunedin performing community.
The production will include singers Sophie Morris, Erina Daniels, a piper, musicians and a roopu waiata Maori. Martyn Roberts is the designer for the project and will be creating a special visual projected component on University buildings as an accompaniment to the evening.
Tickets for the public performance are $10 each and can be ordered via email below. Lunchtime theatre 1pm shows on the Thurs/Friday are even cheaper at $5/$3 and can be bought on the day at Allen Hall Theatre.
There are only 80 seats still available, so folk need to book asap.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like any more information.
Nga mihi nui
Cindy Diver
Te Pae Tawhiti Wananga
24th - 26th Here-turi-kökä 2018.
Celebrating AUKATI - the sacred traditional Korowai that epitomises and
embraces the purity of wellbeing
Celebrate Whakapapa - In its purest form “KO AU, KO KOE, KO TATOU”
• KEMU TAWHITO - traditional games
• TOI MAORI - traditional art on kohatu
• RARANGA - traditional weaving
• WHAKAPAKARI TINANA - physical wellbeing
• TUMANAWAORA TUMANAWATOA - traditional Karakia
Ramere 24th Here-turi- koka Powhiri Whakatau 4.30pm
Ratapu 26th Here-turi- koka
- Poroporoaki - 1.30pm
- Karakia whakakapi
- Hoki ki te kainga - 3.30pm
For catering purposes all registrations to be in by 20th August 2018
Any queries contact Te Mairiki Williams 021 117 6223 or email
Smoke, alcohol, drug & violence free