27th July 2018

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Kia ora koutou

Welcome back whanau, we hope everyone enjoyed their time off during the school break and ready to hit term 3 head on! Only 4 weeks of winter to go! Is it safe to say we have had a pretty good winter so far?!? Certainly no complaints coming from the Kaik! While Otakou Marae has been quiet during the winter period, hui bookings are starting to come through thick and fast again so if your thinking of making a booking be sure to check out the Events page and get your submissions in via the Book a hui page.

What's been happening at Otakou Marae

On the 10th July we had a last minute request from Janine Kapa to tautoko a Otago Polytechnic hui and it was an absolute pleasure to manaaki them while they completed their Mata a Ao Maori certificate. 

Otago Polytechnic Noho Marae; Staff completing 2 courses from the certificate in Mata a Ao Maori

Otago Polytechnic Noho Marae; Staff completing 2 courses from the certificate in Mata a Ao Maori



or click on link



Kana the leopard seal pup returns to the Otago Museum. 

Kana the leopard seal pup was returned to Otago Museum earlier than expected. The Taiaroa whanau who were already visiting the museum to view some family taoka in the museum's care took the opportunity to be included in a small informal get together to uncrate Kana. The Museum and whanau took the time to share their stories with each other followed by some yummy kai at the Museum Café.

Otago Museum Curator Rachel Wesley with her children Koreana and Te Hori, also Timoti Potiki and Ella and Taiaroa McDonald during the uncrating of Kana the leopard seal found between Lawyers Head and St Kilda beach. 

Otago Museum Curator Rachel Wesley with her children Koreana and Te Hori, also Timoti Potiki and Ella and Taiaroa McDonald during the uncrating of Kana the leopard seal found between Lawyers Head and St Kilda beach. 

Ella Taiaroa McDonald viewing whanau taoka (Chief Taiaroa's whalebone patu) being cared for by the Otago Museum. While Timoti Potiki and Taua Janece Taiaroa look on. 

Ella Taiaroa McDonald viewing whanau taoka (Chief Taiaroa's whalebone patu) being cared for by the Otago Museum. While Timoti Potiki and Taua Janece Taiaroa look on. 

A guide to warm, healty rentals by Consumer NZ

Consumer NZ has developed a simple guide for renters to help choose healthy rental properties, and improve the health and warmth of rental properties. This was supported by Ministry of Health.

The guide is free and can be found here:

It has great advice and covers:

  • rental checklist
  • renter's rights
  • cutting the power bill
  • insulation in rentals
  • heating your rental
  • curtains in rentals
  • dampness and ventilation in rentals
  • dealing with mould
  • dealing with draughts
  • windows in rentals
  • healthy home assessment
  • smoke alarms in rentals

Winston Churchill Trust Board

Tēnā koutou,

 Our funding round for this year is currently open for Winston Churchill Trust Board , for local community that might be interested in applying for a 2019 Fellowship. 

More information is set out below 

For further information. 

Erin Victoria Jackson Ph.022 430 8043


Applications for the 2019 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust - NZ Fellowships are open! The Winston Churchill Fellowships were established in 1965 to help kiwis travel overseas to learn from others and study topics that will advance their occupation, trade, industry, profession or community and benefit New Zealand.

To begin your application process, or for more information, visit https://www.communitymatters.govt.nz/winston-churchill-memorial-trust-fellowships/


Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowships assist New Zealanders to travel overseas, to visit other communities, to learn from others and study topics that will help them to increase their contribution to their community, and advance their trade, industry, profession or business.

Fellows return to New Zealand with new knowledge, skills, inspiration and networks to share and support development in their field. The Trust encourages a diverse range of applications from across Aotearoa, and note that travel must be undertaken in the 2019 calendar year. To read previous Fellows’ reports, visit the WCMT website.

This year, the Winston Churchill New Zealand China Friendship Society Fellowship will also be awarded. This Fellowship is in partnership with the New Zealand China Friendship Society and offers a specialised fellowship for travel to China to gain knowledge, understanding and experience of Chinese culture and values. It is intended for the benefit of an occupation, trade or profession, or to benefit New Zealand through the creation or deepening of New Zealand-China relations.

Conversation Week 15-23 Sept 2018

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Toitu Hauora 4th and 5th Sept 2018

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Health and wellbeing for learning

and Talking Matters workshop

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Talking and listening is a key factor in the relationship between parent and child and is a big contributor to building resilience in children and encouraging other aspects of positive parenting.  This should be really interesting for anyone supporting parents and whanau of young children.

Talking matters and Health and Wellbeing for Learning are organising a free workshop for educators and people working with parents and children in Dunedin on 9 August and Invercargill on 10 August:

·         Dunedin: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/hps-health-and-wellbeing-for-learning-and-talking-matters-workshop-dunedin-registration-47755216137

·         Invercargill: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/hps-health-and-wellbeing-for-learning-and-talking-matters-workshop-invercargill-registration-47753153969

Museum seeks Community Memories


Museum seeks community memories

As the Otago Museum prepares to mark its 150th anniversary this September, planning is well underway for a display of an eclectic collection of objects to celebrate. Now Dunedin locals have a chance to add their own memories to the exhibition more than a century in the making.

Museum staff are calling for those who have stories to tell or pictures to share of their experience of the Otago Museum, from any time in the past century and a half.

Head of Design Craig Scott explains, “We’ve created space in the exhibition design so we can include our community’s stories – the community is after all an integral part of the Museum’s history and success. We’d like to hear from anyone who has a connection, whether from coming here as a child or from delving into our collections as a researcher.”

Comments can be shared by:

Email: otago.museum@otagomuseum.nz

Post: Attention 150 years of memories, PO Box 6202, Dunedin 9059

Delivery: Attention 150 years of memories, The Info Desk, Otago Museum

Phone: 03 4793279

For more information
Hannah Molloy 


Otago Museum Marketing Manager

Te Panui Runaka

Kia ora koutou,

We’ve had a little break but TPR is back, as sure as the rising sun! I’m sure you all have a kōrero of some sort to share J

Content for the August issue is due Tuesday, July 31. It will be mailed out to whānau from August 21.

Please try to provide names or captions for any photos you send in, and please attach them in an email, rather than inserting them into your Word document. As always, keep me in the loop if you’re running late with content but please also understand I may not always be able to offer extensions.

Ngā mihi everyone,

Arielle Monk| Te Pānui Rūnaka |

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu | PO Box 13 046 | Christchurch 8141|

Imēra: arielle.monk@ngaitahu.iwi.nz | Waea: 03 974 0113 | Waea Pūkoro: 027 511 3366 |



The ancient philosophy of IO was passed on to me by my father Tapui and Koro Te Tuhi (Tuhoe) and now I am taking small groups in our home in the evenings from 7-9 pm. The next course begins September 6. 

I call it MAURI HAUORA which means "the health of your energy field." I have travelled nationally and internationally running workshops and discussion groups over the years with this program for Counselors, Teachers, Psychologists, Police, CYFS, Family Court, Prisons, WINZ and NGO's working in the field of Violence Prevention.

People can contact me on 4780 220 or 021 1875057.

Nga mihi

Theraze & Olly Ohlson

Mauri Hauora Tohunga Kaiako  

(Wisdom Keepers & Teachers of ancient Maori Symbols & Philosophy)

Book launch Treasures of Tāne

Kia ora e hoa,

I’d like to extend an invitation to members of the Otakou Runanga to attend a function to launch my book Treasures of Tāne: Plants of Ngāi Tahu, at the University Book Shop in Dunedin at 5.30pm on Tuesday, August 7.

They only need to advise the organisers (details attached) for catering purposes.

Nga mihi,

Rob Tipa

(03) 4780-360

