6th July 2018
Kia ora koutou
Only a couple days left until us parents get bombarded with bored and whining kids -Keep your chins up folks we all in for the long haul; Why not bring them out to Otakou for a; Picnic on the porch, a walk around the pa, or why not stroll along Te Rauone beach, or fish off the Monarch wharf. Don't forget you can also; Go for an expedition through the Harington Point tunnels, a drive over to Papanui Inlet, or a walk to the pyramids just to name a few free activities in the Kaik. Whatever you and the whanau chose to do, be safe!
What's been happening at Ōtākou Marae
Taking the time to keep flaunting the improvements that continue at Ōtākou Marae, watch this space for our new garden going in along side Hakuiao.
New pathway along side Hakuiao. Watch this space for new garden!
New path to Garden shed
Visits from John McGlashan and Portobello School
We have been very lucky to have a few School visits this term. Last panui saw Taieri Beach School. This time, John McGlashan and Portobello School graced us with their presence. Our Kaitoko, Taikawa Tamati-Elliffe, tautoko John McGlashan with taiaha lessons...
While Portobello School held their final school assembly, for the term, at Ōtākou Marae followed by afternoon tea for the teachers, students and their parents. It was wonderful to watch the tamariki warm Tamatea with their school achievements and their activities outside.
Debates and Shapes!
Yummy wa kai!
Wa takaro
The tamariki did not let the chillier end of the day spoil their fun!
or click on link
He Waka Kotuia
A massive mihi to He Waka Kotuia for what can only be described as the most impressive performance EVER! The pride we felt watching the live stream was enough to bring you to tears. The hearts of us all were beating so hard we crashed the live stream which you could feel the reverberation throughout Te Waipounamu!
On behalf of us all at Ōtākou we salute every rakatahi that make up He Waka Kotuia including those that were reserves. To Komene, Paulette, Ange and Cherie – ka mihi aroha ki a koutou
Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa 2018
Kia ora koutou Wahine
Police are currently looking for – in a positive way – Maori women that need or want to get their Learners Driver’s Licence.
They may be previously forbidden or suspended drivers and need support, or someone that just hasn’t got round to sitting their Learners due to many barriers like cost, education, support and not knowing how.
This is a free course which will be facilitated by Methodist Mission in collaboration with Police.
We need names please whanau, so help spread the word!!
For more information contact;
Senior Constable Toni Wall
Kaitakawaenga - Iwi/Pacific Liasion Officer | Otago Coastal Area (Dunedin/Clutha/Oamaru) | New Zealand Police
P +64 3 471 4888 Extn: 33088 | M +64 21 191 5069 | E toni.wall@police.govt.nz
Dunedin Central Police Station, 25 Great King Street, Dunedin, Private Bag 1924, Dunedin www.police.govt.nz
Safer Communities Together
Whakapapa talk at the Hocken
Whakapapa Talk at the Hocken
Jacinta Beckwith, Kaitiaki Mātauranga Māori
Megan Vaughan, Hocken Researcher Services
Nau mai, haere mai! Join us for a kōrero on key resources for whakapapa research.
Come half an hour early for kaputī prior to the kōrero. All welcome.
Hocken Library Seminar Room | 90 Anzac Avenue, Ōtepoti Dunedin
Wednesday 18 July, 2018
Group in ceremonial dress at the New Zealand International Exhibition, Christchurch, 1906-1907. Hocken Photographs Collection. James McDonald. Box-289-002.
Te Mātāuru ki Te Reo Tukutuku
Tēnā anō tātou,
Te Mātawai Investment – Te Mātāuru ki Te Reo Tukutuku
(Round Closes 5pm, Wednesday 25th of July)
He tūmatakahuki, he reo tukutuku! - The stitch that binds and connects te Kāhui ā reo tukutuku and the stitch woven across generations thus ensuring it’s sustainability.
The four reo sectors covered by this funding are;
- Te Hapori – Community
- Te Pāpāho – Media
- Te Mātauranga – Education
- Te Hunga Noho Tāone – Urban Māori.
The fund will achieve its desired outcomes by;
- Fostering new and innovative approaches that may not have been tested but could potentially be ‘gamechangers’.
- Identifying initiatives and events that have been successful in growing and nurturing te reo
- o Ensuring projects connect whānau and communities ensuring intergenerational growth and sustainability
- o Supporting initiatives that develop language revitalisation planning capability and capacity
- o Supporting and growing cross-sector approaches that build local capability, improve ‘reach’ into communities and development of new projects
Please follow this link https://www.tematawai.maori.nz/te-reo-tukutuku for further information about Te Reo Tukutuku Investment Plan.
If we can assist with advice or review of applications for this funding from the Office or Papatipu Rūnanga please e-mail lyndon.waaka@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or phone 0800 Kāi Tahu.
Ngāi Tahu Funds
Te Taumatua – Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
15 Show Place, Addington 8024 | PO Box 13-046 Christchurch 8141 | 021 963 766 | 03 974 0122 | www.ngaitahufund.com |
‘Whāia te iti kahuraki ki te tūohu koe me he mauka teitei’
Aim high for what is truly valuable and don’t let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.
Generation Zero
Generation Zero is a youth led organisation with the primary focus of reducing carbon pollution in Aotearoa. They have proposed a new law to achieve this called the Zero Carbon Act. We encourage as many supportive submissions as possible to ensure the best and most ambitious climate law for Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Follow the link below to make a submission before 5pm on the 19th of July:
Ka Pu Te Ruha
Supporting Rangatahi Cultural Leadership
Through a newly established partnership, The Ministry of Youth Development and the Ngāi Tahu Fund are offering an opportunity to fund group projects up to $5,000 to support Rangatahi Cultural Leadership and creative expression.
To be eligible to apply, your project must align to at least one of the following priority areas:
- Ārahitaka – Guidance and Mentoring
- Mana Takata – Leadership and Self-Determination
- Manaakitaka – Volunteering
- Kāi Tahutaka – Cultural Identity
Applications will be considered from Rangatahi aged 12- 24 (where the applicant is under 18 years-of-age, the application must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Applications submitted to Ka Pū Te Ruha will be reviewed by a funding panel from the Ngāi Tahu Funds and the Ministry of Youth Development.
Application deadline
Applications are to be received before or by Tuesday 24 July 2018 (NB: No late or incomplete applications will be accepted).
Apply today
To obtain an application form, please contact: Funds@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or call 0800 KAI TAHU
Creative Vision - Ross Creek Reservoir Refurbishment
The Dunedin City Council will be seeking submissions from artists, designers and/or creative groups to undertake work, embedding art and creativity into a group of projects focused around the restoration of the Ross Creek Reservoir.
We will require an overall creative vision for the Ross Creek Reservoir Refurbishment site. This project will offer exciting opportunities in terms of creative approaches to landscaping, community amenities, pathway treatments, a new pedestrian footbridge and new public artwork, set within this important natural and community environment.
RFP closing date 30 July 2018
If you have any queries regarding this process please contact Lorna.Hayward@dcc.gvt.nz Procurement Contract Management Advisor, Dunedin City Council
Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards - nominations open
Keep Dunedin Beautiful 2018 Awards
Call for nominations
Keep Dunedin Beautiful is seeking nominations for its annual awards, to be held on
Monday, 30 July.
The awards recognise groups and individuals who have contributed to keeping the city beautiful – paying special attention to their adopted spot, demonstrating community spirit or outstanding service. We celebrate the diversity of work happening in the community, from small grassroots activities to larger environmental projects, and encourage people to think of friends and neighbours who are committed to keeping Dunedin beautiful.
The top four winners, including the recipients of the Taylor Community Pride Award and the Pod Award, will receive a prize of between $50 and $100.
The awards will be presented by the Mayor of Dunedin Dave Cull and Keep Dunedin Beautiful Chair Jan Tucker.
For more information and to nominate a group or individual, please contact:
Allison Wallace, Keep Dunedin Beautiful Coordinator
keepdunedinbeautiful@dcc.govt.nz, 03 477 4000
Nominations close
Emergency Response Information Evening
Spark Jump
Spark Jump helps eligible families with children under 18 learn online at home for $10 for 30GB. It’s a low cost, prepaid internet service for families with children under 18 who currently have no WiFi connection.
It costs $10 for 30GB of data and you can top-up as you go. A modem is provided free for as long as you’re using Spark Jump. You’ll be able to comfortably browse the internet and check emails. Spark Jump is designed for learning and it’s great for children to do their homework and for parents and caregivers to access health, government, shopping and job sites. You can watch videos and listen to music using Spark Jump, but the data will be used much faster. You can check how much data you’ve used by logging into your Skinny dashboard.