It is that time of year again, where our work loads quadruple! so much so, because we want to get all our long awaiting to do lists and hui achieved before the end of the year. In fact for many this happened well into the month of October if not September! Or if you are one of those super humans, where you go 100 miles per hour all day every day, it never stopped from last year. For the Otakou office it has proven to be a bit of a struggle to juggle all activities so apologies for missing a few panui of late. I’d like to say this one will make up for it but alas it won’t, but it will be full of some very important up and coming Runanga events, so we require your full attention for the next few moments to read through the following panui…
Naia te reo o Tarewai
23rd - 25th NOV 2018
Otakou Marae
23rd-25th Nov 2018 at Otakou Marae
An opportunity for all whanau who whakapapa to Otakou hapu to come together and increase knowledge and confidence in te reo Māori. All te reo abilities welcome.
Naia te toa o Tarewai is a marae-based series of wānaka (learning opportunities) that aims to restore whānau knowledge and use of te reo, to once again be a living language among our tamariki and mokopuna!
This weekend will include a Reo planning wananga, waiata, hikoi and history telling to list a few of the activities. And lets not forget some yummy kai provided by our very clever Ringawera!
To register follow the links below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on or 03 478 0352.
Registration essential.
Tamariki Christmas Party
Otakou Marae 2nd Dec 2018
10am -3pm
Last year Puketeraki hosted a fantastic Tamariki Christmas Party,
This year it’s out turn to bring on the goods!!
If you would like to come along please register your child/children and be sure to include Names, Ages (please also list all whanau members coming along too) All whanau are welcome to come along however big kids (adults) will not be getting a present from Hana koko! No matter how good you’ve been!
We look forward to seeing you all then!
4th -7th FEB 2019
Kia ora Otakou Runanga Hapu members,
Te Runanga o Otakou are currently organising the above hikoi to Queenstown in time for
Tiriti o Waitangi 2019.
This hikoi is still in the planning stages.
If you are interested in joining the Runanga on the hikoi, please express your interest to the office or via Facebook.
More information to follow as it becomes available.
Any patai please contact the office;
03 4780352
16TH FEB 2019
Otakou Marae
Hapu members please register your interest in coming to this wananga. This is a catered event so we require RSVP please.