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September and October are gearing up to be very busy months for Otakou but the runanga and the office are well prepared and ready to welcome our manuhiri with arms spread wide. Be sure to check out the events page and if you are interested in coming along to any events, pop in, call or email the office, we're here happy to chat, pop on the jug and let know the haps! 

Otakou Runanga Hoodies!!! 


Don't forget if you are wanting one of our exclusive Te Runanga o Otakou hoodies, all sizes $50 each. You must register as Hapu member first. This is a great initiative to get you and your whanau registered with Otakou. For further enquiries, please contact the office.


Whats been happening at Otakou Marae

Portobello School had their first Year 7 and 8 Bake day at Otakou marae, with the kind support from our lovely but camera shy kaumatua. Together they made some scrummy treats to share. Once all packed up, the Year 7 & 8 students accompanied by our friendly community policeman, Aaron Smith, delivered the food parcels to our local kaumatua.  The day was a great success and one we hope Portobello will make a regular event. Well done to the students of Portobello!

Portobello Year 7 and 8 bake day, let the fun begin

Portobello Year 7 and 8 bake day, let the fun begin

Constable Aaron Smith taste tests the chocolate icing and adds the final touches to the camramel slice.

Constable Aaron Smith taste tests the chocolate icing and adds the final touches to the camramel slice.

Time to pack up the Baking

Time to pack up the Baking

The students entertain themselves while they wait for their baking to set before they head off with their food parcels. 

The students entertain themselves while they wait for their baking to set before they head off with their food parcels. 



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Iwi-driven social services hub to gain award


An iwi-driven affordable health and social services hub supported by the University of Otago has secured a major Maori health award as it prepares to spread its services to other parts of the city.

Te Kaika, which opened in Caversham in March, will receive the Dame Tariana Turia Award at the Toitu Hauora Leadership Summit in Dunedin next month.

The award, presented by Te Rau Matatini, recognises significant contributions to Whanau Ora and whanau-centred practice. Founding director Donna Matahaere-Atariki will receive the award at summit.

"I am humbled and thrilled because it is specifically a Whanau Ora approach that will continue to drive the ethos or kaupapa of Te Kaika, " she said. "But more than this, it brings into view the many individuals who contributed to the vision."

Te Kaika aims to bring key wellbeing and health agencies together on one site to provide an integrated model of social service support and primary health care.

Among the services included are a primary health-care service (Te Mataora), which provides GP and dental services. There are also clinical and teaching facilities for a variety of University of Otago students.

Ms Matahaere-Atariki said being recognised by Te Rau Matatini was important because of the networks it might provide.

Te Patahitanga o Te Waipounamu (the South Island Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency) provided funding for start-up and infrastructural costs for Te Kaika, while Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu also "strongly" supported the project.

There were nearly 6000 patients already enrolled with Te Kaika and its general practice clinics based on site (Mataora) and in Forbury.

The organisation was also fitting out a church hall in Brockville, with plans for it to open by the end of September, and was looking to buy two other existing clinics by the end of the year, Ms Matahaere-Atariki said.

Te Kaika is a partnership between Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora, Otakou Runanga and the University of Otago.

The Toitu Leadership Summit, jointly hosted by Te Rau Matatini and the Henry Rongomau Bennett Foundation, aims to grow Maori leadership in health by providing an environment for existing and emerging Maori health leaders to work together.

The summit is taking place in the South Island for the first time, and will be held in Dunedin from September 3-4.

Te Putahitanga Te Waipounamu

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Some weeks are harder than most. Yet in the pathway of pain there was also the shimmer of hope that shines through.

Mana-Wā: a symposium to celebrate and honour the mana of all our rangatahi. It was a big week – a national justice sector summit attended by over 800. The Minister for Whānau Ora visiting Te Tauihu.  We celebrate the regional presence of Te Waipounamu Māori Women’s Welfare League Regional Council that was held on the 24-26 August.



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The Maori Sidesteps is the newest and hottest Maori show band on the entertainment scene in Aotearoa.

Formed in 2016 The Maori Sidesteps relives the glory days of the Howard Morrison Quartet, John Rowles and Prince Tui Teka with contemporary skill and wit. Fresh from sell-out seasons in Wellington, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson and Tauranga The Maori Sidesteps will deliver a fresh take on some of those old familiar party tunes. 

Starring a cast of multi award winning New Zealand entertainers, Jamie McCaskill, Regan Taylor, Erroll Anderson, Jerome Leota and Cohen Holloway, an evening with The Maori Sidesteps guarantees a hugely entertaining performance of humour-filled songs and hilarious banter.

Shot Bro is the product of Rob Mokaraka’s seven-year journey of healing and self-discovery.

Shot Bro is a powerful, raw, authentic one-man show that exposes, shares and discusses the effects of depression. 

Using comedy, heart and truth, New Zealand actor Rob Mokaraka skilfully takes the audience through his experiences with depression. At the core of Shot Bro is Rob’s personal journey, one he hopes will help others and acknowledge the stigma attached to mental illness.

Rob last appeared at the Festival during the 2008 season, with the hugely popular “Strange Resting Places”. Shot Bro is a very different show, full of Rob’s energy, passion and extraordinary talent. The performance is followed by a forum and light refreshments.

Chinese Garden 10 year Anniversary 

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Dunedin Chinese Garden 10-year Anniversary Scholars’ Celebration

The Dunedin Chinese Garden, in conjunction with the Dunedin Chinese Gardens Trust and the University of Otago Office of the Confucius Institute in Auckland, proudly presents the visiting scholars series in recognition of the Garden’s 10th birthday.

Bookings are essential for all events. All events are held in the Tower Room.

For bookings please contact the Dunedin Chinese Garden ph 03 477 3248 or email

Normal admission charges apply. Children under 13 FREE (maximum three per adult).

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Ngai Tahu Tourism Employment Opportunity 

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Kia ora koutou,
Tuatahi ka tangihia rātou ngā mōtoi kahurangi kua riro atu rā i ngā rangi tata nei.
Koutou kua karangahia e Tahu Kumea, e Tahu Whakairo ki te tara o Poutereraki, e tangi tou ana.  Koutou ngā mōtoi auhuka  o te motu, haere, haere atu rā.  Waiho atu mātou kia tangi, kia hopo i tō koutou ngaronga atu.  Heoi ano rātou ki a rātou.
Ka tahuri ki a tātou te kanohi ora, ki a koutou ngā aroaro maunga o te motu, koutou e toutou ana i ngā ahi kā o ngā marae tēnā koutou.


In 2016 Ngāi Tahu Tourism purchased half of Earth & Sky. Based in Takapō, Earth & Sky is a tourist attraction that offers visitors a ‘star gazing’ experience at the University of Canterbury’s Mt John Observatory, which is at the top of Ōtehīwai (Mount John). The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment awarded funding to help Earth & Sky build a new “international astronomy centre” on the shores of Lake Takapō. This new attraction is going to open next year, and as well as being a base for the existing tours, it will also be home to a new daytime experience and a fully serviced cafe and bar. This means we will need up to 30 new people to join the existing team as guides, chefs, kitchen hands, front of house staff, and customer service representatives. We are excited about the jobs this new attraction is going to create and we want to do everything we can to get Ngāi Tahu into these new roles.


What we know is that on top of our current staff numbers we could be looking at up to 30 new roles for Earth and Sky in a wide range of roles.  We want to attract Ngāi Tahu into these roles and will be running a series of ‘information nights’ mid-September to let whānau know about these opportunities, and help get whānau ready for recruitment so that they are better placed to apply and be successful.


We cannot guarantee that whānau will be selected if they apply because like all Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu vacancies,  we are required to run a contestable process. However, we want to make sure that whānau are informed early, and wherever possible supported to have the best chance of success. We encourage you to share this information with your whānau and hapū members to spread the word.


Kaihautū of Ngāi Tahu Tourism, Quinton Hall is sending letters to all Ngāi Tahu whānau living in the Takapō area (including North Otago and South Canterbury) inviting them to take part in the information nights.  Emails will be sent to every registered iwi member with a valid email address over the next two weeks informing them of these events. The information nights will be happening throughout Sept- November in Timaru, Ōamaru, Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin and Hokitika. See below for dates, venues and times.


If there are any questions or interest in attending, please get whānau to contact patsy.perenara-o’ or call 0800 KAI TAHU.


Christchurch Te Whare o Te Waipounamu

Wednesday 19 September, 6-8pm


Ōamaru Opera House Thursday 20 September, 6-8pm


Timaru Landing Services Conference Centre

Friday 21 September, 6-8pm


Dunedin Otago University Staff Club

Monday 24 September, 6-8pm


Queenstown TBC Tuesday 25 September, 6-8pm


Hokitika TBC Friday 9 November, 6-8pm

Aoraki Bound 2019

Calling for Papatipu Rūnaka applicants!

E kā Papatipu Rūnaka, tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko te hau o mihi e pupuhi ana ki a koutou e tiaki ana i kā ahi kā, kia mura. Nāia te karaka ki kā hau e whā o Te Wai Pounamu nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai ki Aoraki Bound 2019.

This is a pānui to let our Papatipu Rūnaka know that we are calling for those interested in Aoraki Bound 2019! As staff or whānau of Papatipu Rūnaka we want to give you priority placement on this amazing haereka.

Aoraki Bound is a 20-day cultural and personal journey, developed and delivered by Outward Bound and Ngāi Tahu. To learn more about the programme or watch our 30 min Aoraki Bound documentary please visit our website here. There are two courses in 2019 to choose from, either 2nd - 21st Kahuru/February or 2nd - 21st Kahuru-kai-paeka/March.

If you are a Papatipu Rūnaka staff member who is interested in attending as part of your professional development, 

We are also asking Papatipu Rūnaka to consider whānau members who you would like to nominate to attend an Aoraki Bound course in 2019. You may want to take the attached pānui named ‘For Papatipu Rūnanga whānau nominations’ along to your rūnaka meeting to give some context to the kaupapa and sponsorship available. All instructions on next steps from here is also on this pānui.

We look forward to receiving all applications from our ahi kā before October 1st. Any questions please feel free to contact us at

Noho ora mai i roto i kā manaakitaka.

Nā māua noa,

Nā Donelle & Alice  

Donelle Manihera

Project Lead – Iwi Capability | Tokona te takata

Cell: 027 670 7243


Alice Dimond

Coordinator | Kairuruku Pūkenga

Iwi Capability | Tokona te Takata

waea 03 371 0189

waea pūkoro 027 637 7954

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