Please ensure that everyone intending to stay in your group is familiar with these rules as they are designed with the marae kawa and your safety in mind.

  1. No alcohol or drugs on the marae or the environs.
  2. Food should be brought directly to the kitchen via the back door after the powhiri.
  3. All baggage should be taken into the marae via the front door.
  4. Visitors are asked to respect the marae area by not driving vehicles onto the marae. Please use the car parks provided.
  5. Shoes are not to be worn inside Tamatea when mattresses are set out. Slippers or warm socks are a good idea.
  6. No eating or drinking in Tamatea.
  7. Do not place chairs or mattresses in passages or doorways.
  8. No items are to be placed on the windowsills in Tamatea.
  9. Note: Lighting of fires is strictly prohibited unless prior arrangement has been made.
  10. No property belonging to the marae is be removed from the premises.
  11. Any furniture that you need to move in order to facilitate your stay MUST be returned to its original position prior to your departure.
  12. On vacating the marae, the marae buildings and grounds are to be cleaned and left tidy. All rubbish is to be removed from the marae by the hirer.
  13. Tangihanga will take precedence on the marae. This may result in the cancellation of your booking at short notice.
  14. Note: It is the responsibility of the hirer to contact the Administration Office to ensure confirmation of the booking and that the Sponsor has admitted his or her form to the office.
  15. Animals are not permitted on the marae. However, Guide Dogs are exempt from this rule. Please advise the Administration Office at the time of confirming your booking.
  16. Swimming in the sea is extremely dangerous – please beware!
  17. Use of skateboards or similar is strictly prohibited on the Marae grounds.
  18. Please DO NOT drape clothing over the heaters to dry. Drying racks are available at the marae for this purpose.
  19. All accidents/injuries are to be recorded on the Incident Sheet provided and the sheet given to the office.
  20. KEYS are to be collected from the Administration Office prior to the powhiri by the Sponsor of the hui. Security procedures will be explained. Responsibilities for keys are explained in the Key Policy attached hereto.
  21. SHOVELS and other tools required by your group (eg for putting down a hangi) MUST BE BROUGHT WITH YOU if they will be needed.
  22. Parents/Caregivers are to control tamariki. Teach them marae kawa:
  • Not to play in front of wharenui during a powhiri or tangi;
  • Not to run/walk across speakers
  • Not to jump on the mattresses
  • NO sitting on pillows or tables.


You are required to:

  1. Have a Fire Warden appointed
  2.  Have a clear written list of all members of your party.
  3.  The assembly point is the main entrance gates on Tamatea road in front of the Marae.